About Kat
Click here for Consultation with Kat Miller
Kat Miller, founder of Blue Iris Learning Center, was first introduced to alternative health care when her daughter had environmental illness (also known as multichemical sensitivity, environmental illness/intolerance, toxin-induced lack of tolerance and probably a few other names) in 2002. With EI, a person has a very large number of allergies and tends to quickly and easily develop more allergies and sensitivities, even with minimal exposure. When the medical community was failing to help her daughter clear allergies, Kat went searching elsewhere.
In her pursuit of something to help her daughter she discovered Total Body Modification (TBM) and Natural Healing (NOW called Evolutionary Quantum Healing Techniques), and in a matter of minutes, watched her daughter cleared of all her allergies.
Kat spent the next few years learning the techniques used in TBM and NH and began working with patients herself. She began exploring many different alternative healing modalities. She began reading and researching more and more, learning all she could.
Kat soon found the Bach Flower essences. She was intrigued because she had found a tool people could use to help themselves. She began to explore other Flower essences as well. As she began to learn how to use the Flower essences she also began to wonder if there was a way to take the energies from the live Flowers and put them into an energy vial. She wondered if she could put the energy from all the Flowers she was working with into a single energy vial and pull individual Flowers out in Formulas/Blends.
Kat also found that often the toughest problems to overcome when working with people is compliance. Because the Flower essences require multiple doses daily and often continuing a Formula for several days, weeks or even months, she found that very often before the essences had time to really make a difference, people had quit taking them.
As she began to explore and work with the Flower Energies, she found a way to insert all the Flower Energies she had been working with into a single energy vial, and invoke the energies individually, in Formulas or in Blends. She also found that with the Flower Energies you could invoke them just once a day and have them work with you all day. The Flower Energies vial she created now contains over 200 Flower Energies, and can be used over and over indefinitely, without renewing or having to buy additional vials, as long as the vial is not broken or opened (even if the water evaporates).
Having found that she could not get the Rescue Remedy to call out of the Flower Energies vial, Kat made a separate Rescue! energy vial. Like the Flower Energies vial, the Rescue! vial can be used over and over indefinitely without depleting the energy within the vial, and the energy remains available to you unless the vial is opened or broken (even if the water evaporates).
As she continued to explore health alternatives, Kat was intrigued by Gary Craig’s Emotional Freedom Technique. She learned how to work with the technique, and again decided to try making a shortcut using an energy vial to run the technique. She saw that even though the EFT worked well, many people tended to not do it because of the time involved in running it. She inserted the EFT Basic Recipe into an energy vial, leaving a blank space in the vial for a person to say the positive affirmation, then set the vial up to energetically run through the Basic Recipe 25 times (now 1000 times) every time the vial was invoked.
One of her first experiences in using the Emotional Freedom vial was with a lady who had severe knee pain, and had had it for several years. Her knees hurt to stand and to walk. Kat used the vial twice, once addressing the knee pain with walking and the other addressing the knee pain with standing. After running the vial just these two times, the knee pain completely dissipated and to this point has not returned. Since then Kat and a number of her patients and friends have been using the Emotional Freedom vial as a shortcut to the EFT technique with impressive results.
A few months later, Kat began automating things even further, by putting positive affirmations to be run through the EFT into files and then having the files run through the vial. The files have been found to really supercharge the vial, and increase its efficiency and effectiveness. Now, we have 115 files (some over 100 pages long) with positive affirmations, afformations, Switchwords, mudras and more in them that can be quickly and easily run energetically through the EFT.
Kat continues to update vials she has created, and create new vials. All vials Kat creates are dynamic. This means your vials are never outdated. As new additions are made, your vial is automatically updated.
Over time, Kat found herself wanting to have a repository of information for learning. She thought about creating a newsletter or a blog. One friend told her she was too dynamic for a monthly newsletter, so Kat contemplated creating a blog. Another friend suggested Kat create a place to teach about Switchwords. In discussion with another friend the name Blue Iris Learning Center was born, and as Kat discussed her thoughts with friends slowly a vision of Blue Iris Learning Center grew. On April 24, 2010, Kat found the URL she wanted for Blue Iris Learning Center, shared it with a friend, and Blue Iris Learning Center was founded.
Kat created Blue Iris Learning Center as a place to share, learn, grow and BE. Blue Iris Learning Center has many articles supporting energy vials Kat has created, Switchwords, Healing Cards, and many additional healing techniques. It is dynamic and ever-growing, rich with life and healing information. Blue Iris Learning Center includes a Forum, where members can discuss innumerable topics and learn from each other. Kat encourages people to post questions, comments and experiences on the Forum, so we can all learn TOGETHER.
Click here for Consultation with Kat Miller
Kat also shares her knowledge on free internet radio Talkcasts three times a week, speaking with friends, associates and listeners, discussing healing techniques, Switchwords, Law of Attraction, and whatever else comes up. Each Talkcast is recorded and archives of past Talkcasts are available for free download.
Kat's Talkcasts
(Click here for Talkcast Summaries)
Join live Mon 10:00 p.m. & Wed 3:00 p.m. Series Description: |
Join live Tues 6:00 p.m. Series Description: |
Join live Sat 10:30 a.m. Series Description: |
Vials currently available from Kat
HEV vial is an auto-running healing vial. Once activated, whenever it’s in your energy field (within an inch of your body) it is running. Set it and forget it. The HEV vial automatically scrolls through its healing techniques, activating techniques as needed.
CLICK here to learn more about HEV vial.
EF vial SUPERcharges EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to help clear physical and emotional issues. Invoking this vial once is like running the entire EFT Basic Recipe 1000 times. This vial is also linked to over 100 files full of affirmations, etc.
CLICK here to learn more about EF vial.
Flower Energies vial contains over 200 Flower Energies. Invoke individual Flowers, Blends or Formulas repeatedly and indefinitely, without the cost of refilling or buying additional Flower essences. Flower Energies help enhance and strengthen positive qualities, and help correct patterns of imbalance. You may recognize positive qualities and patterns of imbalance within yourself. FE vial is available as a Standard vial.
CLICK here to learn more about FE vial.
Rescue! vial is an emergency kit to help heal in acute & emergency situations. Place vial in your energy field to have it work for you. Use the Rescue! vial to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation and begin the healing process, for headaches, burns, fractures and sprains, help relieve symptoms of asthma, anxiety and stress. The Rescue! vial is available as a Standard vial and as a Rescue! Energy Pillow. The Rescue! Energy Pillow has the Standard Rescue! vial sewn inside a pillow, giving the vial protection from breakage, and allowing it to easily be slid inside casts and braces, without fear of the vial breaking.
CLICK here to learn more about Rescue! vial.
Whatever energy vial draws the body's attention to a problem by becoming the problem that it finds. The Whatever vial then gives the body a focus and an opportunity to heal the problem. Once the imbalance is cleared, the Whatever vial then continues to seek additional issues that need clearing. Anytime the Whatever vial is in your energy field, it actively seeks physical, emotional or other imbalances that need clearing, & works to restore balance.
CLICK here to learn more about Whatever vial.
And NOW Introducing Blue Iris Wellness....
Blue Iris Wellness (BIW) is an Energy Vial created with specific intention of helping each Blue Iris Wellness vial owner attain and maintain optimum wellness, helping to balance physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies. Blue Iris Wellness is designed as an auto-running Energy Vial utilizing multiple techniques to Optimize Harmonization of all Vial Owners and Vial Users with life.
CLICK here to learn more about Blue Iris Wellness vial
Click here for Consultation with Kat Miller