Finding Universal Switchwords
(Switchwords History)
I have defined three different categories for Switchwords:
Universal Switchwords: These are words that flip switches in 95-100% of people. The Switchwords given in a list by James T. Mangan in his book, The Secret of Perfect Livingand by Shunyam Nirav in his book, Switchwords – Easily Give to You Whatever You Want in Life are pretty much all Universal Switchwords (though there are other Open Switchwords mentions in passing throughout Mangan's book). In searching out additional Universal Switchwords, I saw that there was a finite number of such, 125, and a number of my friends and I sought to discover those not yet documented and did so.
Open Switchwords: These are words that flip switches in most people (50-94% of people). There is a very large number of this type of Switchword. Many words that resonate with you but are not listed in Mangan's book, nor on the list of Universal Switchwords fall into this category. There are thousands of Open Switchwords.
Personal Switchwords: These are words that flip switches in individual people. These words often are names of family members and close friends, as well as words that have been individual to their experiences in setting up the switches.
Click here for a list of the 125 Universal Switchwords.
Click here for a current list of Open Switchwords.
Click here for a current list of Combined Universal and Open Switchwords.
Switchword Discovery Process
Below is a recounting of the discovery process I went through in finding additional Universal Switchwords.
When I became aware that indeed there were more Universal Switchwords out there, I began to seek them. Using reflex muscle testing, I asked if it was a finite number. I asked how many there are. I asked if it was possible to discover them, to document them, to share them with the world. The answer was yes, and the number was 24. (After documenting the 24, I was led to one more Universal Switchword that was a combination of two - DIVINE LIGHT multiply intensity; increase enlightenment; brightly focus positivity.)
I then set out, with my friends, to search for possible Switchwords. Some of my friends are totally indaunted when faced with a task. In particular, Rhoda, who is in Hyderabad, India (and was the first international Emotional Freedom vial owner) was determined that in short order we would find all of these Universal Switchwords. Bless her most beautiful heart! Day after day I received e-mails and chats from her listing word after word that she hoped would be Switchwords. Day after day in our conversations up would come flying words, in the middle of conversations, "what about this?" Rhoda was a huge boon to finding these Switchwords. Without her many would probably still be left undiscovered.
As words were found, then meanings would come. I believe this is much different from how James T. Mangan found his Switchwords list. Sometimes a word would show as one that would lead us to a Switchword, and eventually indeed it did. For example, one day while Rhoda and I were chatting she thought that something about flying would have to be a Switchword. She began throwing out words - plane, soar, fly...I told her that it did not appear that any of those were, but somehow something in that general territory was. Over the course of conversation, as she kept interspersing words that she thought may be, BUBBLE eventually appeared. Wow! BUBBLE! Then came the task of discovering exactly what switches BUBBLE would throw. Eventually this is what was there:
BUBBLE expand beyond perceived limitations; get energized; get excited.
Another time, again with Rhoda, she was determined that there was something about water, about floating. So, she began to bombard me with words like boat, raft, ship, appeared to me that indeed there was something to do with water in this Switchword which she was seeking, but the path she was walking was not quite the one, as we continued our conversation eventually OIL appeared. Indeed oil floats on water. This is why she had that connection:
OIL clear friction; smooth; release tension; release resistance; separate
Then, when there were but a few of the 24 words left unfound I was talking with David. I knew that there was a chemical involved that was a Switchword. I knew it was solid too. I asked him if he had any thoughts. He said aspirin. I became aware that indeed aspirin would lead to a Switchword. It turned out that indeed it did, but not to the Switchword which is a chemical. The following day in conversation with Rhoda, I talked about my conversation with David and aspirin. That conversation eventually led to CRYSTAL. CRYSTAL is a very powerful and very useful Switchword. Nirav documented about 40 of the Switchwords as being "very useful." Two of the newly discovered Universal Switchwords also seem to fit into that same category. LIGHT and CRYSTAL.
CRYSTAL clarify the situation, things; look to the future; improve clairvoyance; purify; neutralize; access Universal Knowledge
LIGHT be inspired; lighten load, mood or stress
When we found CHLORINE it was very difficult to wrap my mind around that one. How could something so toxic and so overpowering be a Switchword? That was the second to last Switchword we found. It took a lot of searching to begin to find the definition and open up to CHLORINE, but it did all fall into place. And it makes perfect sense now. As I read about CHLORINE, I discovered that whenever it comes into contact with anything it mingles with it, it becomes inseparable, a part of whatever it has made contact with. Wow! Indeed CHLORINE does make sense as a Switchword:
CHLORINE mingle; share yourself; make a difference; blend; become one with
When I shared the Switchword FULL with Cari, she then retorted to me with an interesting e-mail. It said "Kat I think full should be about finding limits don't let anyone have more of you than you are ready to offer and not to be taken advantage of mentally enough... physically no more room on your plate."
She was not defining FULL, she was giving me LIMIT:
FULL optimum level; go beyond; expand capacity
LIMIT set parameters; keep others from taking advantage of you; back off; stop; regain control
One day I was visiting with my sister. She told me just before I left that she had to give me a list. She said that the night before she had had some words just rolling over and over through her mind. She could not sleep. She had to get up, write them down and acknowledge that she would give them to me before she could go to sleep. These words were:
MASK save from harm; shield
ROOT dig; discover; grow
UNMASK bring into focus; expose; lay bare
She did not give me the switches, only the words. There was another word on her list. I was not sure why at first, for it was not a Switchword. This word was "repair." Why repair? The other three were Switchwords. I didn't understand. I kept checking over and over on repair. Surely there is a reason why she had that on her list.
One of the definitions in the Switchwords book for DivineORDER is "to repair." That definition apparently needed to be moved to REACH. That is why repair was on the list of words Julie gave me.
DivineORDER anytime you have some organizing or cleaning to do, or packing for a trip, be efficient; clean up a mess; put in optimum order; revamp
REACH locate misplaced objects; reach solutions for problems; repair things; find what you're looking for such as misplaced items like keys, papers, tools, etc., forgotten ideas, information in your mind or memory like names, numbers, etc., solutions to problems; invent; solve problems; remember, recall
When Julie gave me that list of words, I just looked at her. I asked her if it didn't seem odd that she had to do that. She said, “No, I just knew I needed to give them to you. That is all.” She was at the time somewhat aware of Switchwords but I do not believe she was aware that I was working on finding Switchwords as of yet not discovered and documented.
When Rhoda gave me HORSE I was astounded. I saw the word pop up in messenger. I laughed. She had just been saying she thought surely there was at least one animal amongst the Switchwords. I told her, I don't know, perhaps...then suddenly there was HORSE. I laughed. No way...can't be a Switchword. I, NO, impossible...test again, confirm, yes, yes indeed HORSE is a Switchword. Wow! I am stunned:
HORSE be solid; be strong; gain power
Then shortly after that, what about HORSESHOE? Yes, yes it is but it has nothing to do with luck. How odd. It took longer to find the definitions, the switches with HORSESHOE than it did for most of the Switchwords. I was stuck. Nothing coming to my mind. Searching. Nothing. "David, what is it about HORSESHOE that makes it a Switchword?" His response, "I don't know but I think there is something about the soul referenced - not sole but soul."
The next day while chatting with Rhoda, we were looking at HORSESHOE. Finally it all fell into place:
HORSESHOE remain steadfast; strengthen the soul; safely move rapidly ahead; increase sturdiness and balance
My daughter told me one day, "Mom, there must be a Switchword that is a Control-Z. Find it Mom. I want to have a way to undo last move." I laughed. I checked. It appeared that yes indeed there was a Switchword for "undo." How odd. How could it be? I can't wrap my mind around it up front. Table it. Don't worry about it. If there really is one, it will come.
We were nearing completion. CHLORINE was #23. One more word left. Refocus. What would it be? I have no clue. The voice is there. Remember Camille's request? But certainly there is no word for that. How can one do that? How can one do it without totally messing up the timeline? Doesn't make sense. Yes it does. But how? What is it? Explain it to me. Make me understand. What is the word?
It starts with "RE." Okay, that makes sense. I can get a handle on it being an RE word. Words pass through my mind, testing them all...redo, resend, revamp, reorder, realign, I am testing and asking on all the RE words. No. No. No. No. No....Yes. What? Yes. RESCIND. RESCIND? Yes. Wow. RESCIND:
RESCIND undo; restart; cancel; redo; (similar to Control-Z on a windows computer you undo last action)
But there is a paradigm that occurs here. Much like on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Episode 18 of the fifth season, Cause and Effect, where Data becomes aware that they are in a time loop, repeating the same few hours over and over and over, when you RESCIND your last action, it is wiped out. It never happened. And you do not know you RESCINDed it. Now everything is as it was right before you did it. All the things are in place that led you to doing it. What are the chances that you are going to repeat that same thing again and want to RESCIND it again? What are the chances that you are going to put things into a continuous loop where you repeat the same action over and over, never knowing that you had done it before? What is the key here? How can we RESCIND without creating this kind of paradigm?
Go back, look at your list. There is a way. Oh MY! YES!
BETWEEN use or enhance telepathy; increase psychic awareness
LISTEN predict the future; in touch with nature and self
How absolutely fascinating!