Illnesses/Diseases List (for working with Switchwords)
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Calf Pain/Cramping (added 1/15/25)
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What if a negative emotional state was your Inner Being's way of asking you to change your focus?
What if neglecting that request and continuing to focus on the things that caused you emotional distress then began to cause you physical distress?
What if still ignoring the request for a change of focus eventually caused illness or disease?
Perhaps you have noted occasionally an immediate physical sensation related to feelings, or even a somewhat delayed physical issue that can still be connected to feelings swallowed or buried.
Many people who suffer migraines have been able to connect them to anger a day or two before the onset of the migraine.
When anxious or nervous perhaps you have felt queasiness in your stomach.
Some people, when feeling stressed, actually feel their blood pressure rise.
Chronic stress has been implicated as often being a factor in heart attacks and digestive disorders.
If these connections are easily seen, then consider that perhaps negative feelings, swallowed or buried, may be at the root of more illnesses and diseases.
Feelings swallowed, ignored, and/or allowed to brew may have much more to do with illness and disease than any other single variable, including diet and environment.
Total Body Modification (one healing discipline which I employ) and Energetic Systems Maintenance (a layman's version of TBM), and Traditional Chinese Medicine all associate specific emotions with specific organs (Anger is associated with Liver; Resentment with Gallbladder, etc.).
Many authors have written about the critical role feelings/emotions play in illness and disease.
In the book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman, she shows us the effects of feelings buried in the body on causing disease and illness and gives us a script to work with to help release these feelings to help in releasing disease and illness.
Louise Hay has several books discussing the impact of emotions and thought patterns at the root of many illnesses and diseases. Her book Heal Your Body A-Z: The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Way to Overcome Them gives thought patterns that create feelings which can cause illness and disease, and new thought patterns to help release the old patterns and heal.
In his book The Emotion Code, Dr. Bradley Nelson works with Muscle Testing to find trapped emotions and works with magnets to release the trapped emotions and heal.
Each of these disciplines/authors has helped us see how much our feelings, emotions and thought patterns can affect our health, and each has given us some tools to help release them to allow the body to return to health.
For the past few years we have been researching and compiling a list of diseases and illnesses, associated buried, swallowed, stuffed and/or trapped feelings, and Switchwords to help accept them and release them. These Switchwords can be said, chanted, sung, thought, intended, tapped through the Emotional Freedom Technique, run through the Emotional Freedom vial, put into Energy Circles, or used in your own creative way, to help accept and release the feelings, giving your body an opportunity to return to health.
Many thanks to my friends and associates who have inspired me and helped me in compiling this list. I specifically thank Rhoda Reporter and Dr. Bina Bakshi for spurring me, ferreting out and contributing essential information on Switchwords and Feelings. I also thank my many friends in our variouss for your helping hands and hearts in discovering and digging through information, contributing and encouraging me along this path of discovery and your continuous support of this important body of work.
Just as there are many different ways to express a single thought, there may be many different Switchword combinations which can work with a single feeling. Use whatever resonates with you, be it what is listed or different Switchwords you are inspired to use.
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