HEV TEST1 Energy Vial
As part of this HEV vial the intention of the TEST1 Energy Vial is to Surround, Engulf and Permeate (SEaP) all energy within the HEV vial, inspiring compassion, mercy, and healing to all who come in contact with it.
TEST1 Energy Vial combines multiple healing energies into a single technique, including work with Balancing Chakras, Central Nervous System, Energy Meridians, Body Consciousness, Universal Diamond, Sisters of Consciousness, Universal Triad, Universal Sphere, Bodies Affiliated, Chaos Theory, etc. TEST1 Energy Vial employs Orgonite-Pulsars Energy Transmutation to create positive where once there was negative and addresses Inter-Related Possibilities within any and all parts of the TEST1 Energy Vial technique.
Technical Tips:
With HEV vial in your energy field, saying “TEST1” with intent to bring TEST1 online and make it the currently active technique will stop any other HEV technique currently running and start TEST1. Once TEST1 completes running, this HEV vial will then continue to run through each technique.