Additional Energy Circle Types/Attributes

Now that we have learned about the concept of using Energy Circles to broadcast Switchwords, Defusing Words, Homeopathics, Healing Numbers and Frequencies and other healing techniques to specific people, places, situations, etc., and we have added components such as  Rays for concentrating and intensifying broadcasts, and Colors for adding Color Therapy to Energy Circle Broadcasts, now let us look at a few additional types of Energy Circles and their applications...

White Light Energy Circle
White is strengthening.
White is cleansing and purifying to the entire energy system.
White promotes purity, virtue and spirituality.
White is nurturing.
White heals fevers, infections and pain.
White calms the heart, mind, nerves and emotions.
White promotes vitality and supportive feelings.
White can awaken greater creativity.
When in doubt as to what color to use, you can
seldom go wrong with White Light.

HEART Energy Circles

HEART Energy Circles add the energy of love, joy and compassion to the Contents of the Energy Circle.  A HEART Energy Circle may be useful for working with loved ones, relationships, anywhere that addition of love, joy and compassion may enhance or improve the situation.

FLOWER Energy Circles

FLOWER Energy Circles add the energy for flourishing, thriving, opening up to the world and sharing your Inner Beauty to the focused broadcast of the Energy Circles.

Note from Kat: I was inspired to do the FLOWER Energy Circles to bring the energy of Flowers into the Energy Circles. Flowers usually have two or more colors, and I was asked to generally do the FLOWER Energy Circle with two colors.

I see it as good for opening a shy person to social situations, for getting one who is reserved to thrive, anytime there is a blockage, keeping one from being open.

Colors and Switchwords remain as powerful as always and can be applied to using the FLOWER Energy Circles. FLOWER Energy Circles seem to want two colors, one overlaying the other.

Forgiveness Energy Circles

Forgiveness Energy Circles add a focus of forgiveness and help eliminate remorse and desire for revenge.

Note from Dr. Bina Bakshi: Often, despite all our efforts at submitting to them, many issues just don't seem to resolve (health, relationship, tax issue, pain, etc.). These issues crop up and stay at almost the same intensity or some desired happiness just doesn't appear in our life. That's when I developed and used the Forgiveness and Gratitude Energy Circles. The results have been stupendous and far more generic, quicker, and seemingly effortless.

Gratitude Energy Circles

Gratitude Energy Circles add a focus of acknowledgement recognition and appreciation FOR what we have.

Note from Dr. Bina Bakshi: Often, despite all our efforts at submitting to them, many issues just don't seem to resolve (health, relationship, tax issue, pain, etc.). These issues crop up and stay at almost the same intensity or some desired happiness just doesn't appear in our life. That's when I developed and used the Forgiveness and Gratitude Energy Circles. The results have been stupendous and far more generic, quicker, and seemingly effortless.

Handprint Energy Circles

(Note: This is just an example of a Handprint Energy Circle. One should trace the hand of the person for which a Handprint Energy Circle is being made.)

From Dr. Bina Bakshi:

At times when Energy Circles are not producing an effect, at least not on a visible level (they have to create a change, it is just a matter of time but sometimes one needs to produce and effect in a given timeline), Handprint Energy Circles may be useful.

Making a Handprint for an issue involving a loved/unloved one has had great ramifications in clearing soul contracts.

Let me explain.

I find Energy Circles hold energy in the enclosed space, create a vortex which we ignite with either Switchwords, prayers, names of Angels, etc., and include the situation/person/issue to be handled and the vortex causes the change to be affected in a manner that is dependent on the sender's & receiver’s Karmic/deservability background.

Meaning the time taken for the vortex to effect change, and the manner that it takes place depends on the ‘good deeds’ or ‘bad deeds’ (Credit Balance if you will) of the doer and done-for.

In the same way enclosed Handprints (meaning closed on the circumference) cause soul contracts (chronic illness, hereditary issues, longstanding feuds, etc.) to be reversed.

I am noticing that where Energy Circles and Switchwords were not completing the task Handprints have brought in quick and powerful results.

A 4-year-old child with immutable asthma, whose father, grandfather, all aunts, cousins have the infliction is experiencing his first winter here without an inhaler.

A family that has been controlling their ex-daughter-in-law has been kept at bay -- it’s a powerful, crazy family we are talking about here.

A drunk husband given to many dangerously foolish decisions that were causing his wife and children to be in trouble, besides being beaten and manhandled has changed after trying many options with Energy Circles.

Colors and Switchwords remain as powerful as always and can be applied to using the Handprints.

Astrological Energy Circle
Astrological Energy Circles have 12 sections,
representing the 12 Astrological Signs.
Write Astrological Switchphrases in the center of the
Energy Circle to have it affect all
Astrological Elements  & Signs that may be causing imbalances.

Astrological Energy Circles can be used in conjunction with any energy techniques to work with Astrology, including Switchwords, the Emotional Freedom vial Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers file for anything dealing with Astrology (such as Navagraha Mantra), etc. Astrological Energy Circles can be Colored and/or Flooded as desired.

Some people might use Astrological Energy Circles to focus on specific qualities or energies associated with a particular sign, while others might use them as a tool for self-reflection or personal growth.

Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle
A RAEC is a specialized type of Energy Circle used to amplify the effects of other Energy Circles placed on top of them, thus enhancing the intended benefits.

Important Note: A RAEC cannot be drawn by hand. The RAEC is very precise and the spirals must be exact. RAEC graphics can be taken from this website or generated in Energy Circle Creator which is available for sale at:

The concept behind RAEC is based on the idea that energy can be manipulated and directed using specific symbols or patterns. By placing an Energy Circle with specific intentions (e.g., healing numbers or frequencies) on top of a RAEC, the energy is amplified, potentially increasing the effectiveness of the intended outcomes.

One way to use a RAEC is to write healing numbers or frequencies inside an Energy Circle. When this Energy Circle is placed over a RAEC, the RAEC helps to amplify the energy of these numbers or frequencies, potentially enhancing their healing effects.

In summary, a Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle is a tool used to amplify the energy of other Energy Circles placed on top of it. This is done with the intention of enhancing the intended healing effects of the Energy Circle.

Radionic Amplifier Energy Circles can be Colored and/or Flooded as desired.

Energy Circles with Center Dots

A Dot at the Center of an Energy Circle helps to accentuate and center on the Color Attributes of the Center Dot.  A Center Dot can be easily created by adding an Inner Image to the Energy Circle which is another Energy Circle with the Background the same color as the Flood of the Energy Circle to which it is being added and adjusting the size of the Inner Image as desired.

Click here for Additional Specialized Energy Circles (subscription required)

Check out Kat's Channels
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Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

Twitter Switchwords Community

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.