Flower Energies Vial Instructions

To Flower is to bloom. To Flower is to flourish. To Flower is to thrive. To Flower is to open up to the world. The Flower Energies in this vial include energies beyond the plant world that “Flower.”

Flower Energies vial

Flower Energies vial



Do not open this FE (Flower Energies) vial. Once opened the energy escapes and the vial becomes inert. As long as the vial is never opened, even if the water evaporates, the energy remains within the vial and available to work for you.

Indications: Flower Energies help enhance and strengthen Positive qualities, and help correct patterns of imbalance. You may recognize Positive qualities and patterns of imbalance within yourself.

Click for Flower Energy Support information on Flowers in the Flower Energies vial.

Click here to buy Flower Energies vial

Flower Energies (FE)  vial Instructions:
1. Place FE vial on your chest (near thymus)

2. Lay your left hand flat across the vial

3. Call the Flower Energies (or Flower Energy Blend/Formula) you desire

4. Place right hand over left hand, close eyes and take 3 breaths (in and out)

For children (or others) unable to follow instructions:

1. Place FE vial on their chest (near thymus)

2. Call Flower Energies (or Flower Energy Blend/Formula) for them

3. Keep FE vial on their chest for at least 30 seconds

Call Flower Energy Blends/Formulas from the Flower Energies vial by name or by the Flowers listed in the Blend/Formula. When calling a Blend with *Spacer* listed in it, call the Blend by name (i.e., Center) to have Innate fill in the space according to individual need, or follow Inner Guidance (or muscle testing) to find the appropriate Flower Energy to fill the space according to individual need.

General Flower Energies Information:

• Use Flowers once a day and have them work for you all day (24 hours).

• Multiple Flower Formulas/Blends can now be used in a single day. Wait a minute or two after doing one Formula/Blend before invoking another.

• Flower Formulas/Blends can now be used for an indefinite period of time. You no longer need to take two days off from a Formula/Blend after a week before restarting it.

• Generally up to 5-6 flowers may be indicated for a formula at a time (though occasionally more).

• When using muscle testing to find the formula, if the formula does not come up in alphabetical order (as listed on this list) be sure to call out the flowers in the order in which they came up.

• Whenever more than one Flower Energies Formula/Blend is run in a day, as a new Formula/Blend is run it will adapt to and coexist with other Formulas/Blends already running.

To cancel any currently running Flower Energies formulas:

1. Place the Flower Energies vial on your chest

2. Lay your left hand flat over the vial.

3. Say "Clear Flower Energies."

4. Place right hand over left.

5. Close your eyes and taking three deep breaths in and out.

6. All Flower Energies are then cleared.

Below are a few Flower Formulas you may find useful. These formulas can be called by the formula name (i.e., Anxiety/Stress Formula) or by calling the individual flowers:

• Anxiety/Stress Formula (Canyon Dudleya and Fairy Lantern)

• Insomnia Flowers (Borage, Gorse, Oregon Grape (for Sleep Onset Insomnia – add Chamomile; Sleep Disturbance Insomnia – add Deerbrush; Shortened Sleep Cycle – add Dogwood and Queen Anne’s Lace)

• Rescue! (need to have Rescue! vial) + White Chestnut (for sleep)

• Morning Sickness Formula (Angel’s Trumpet, Sagebrush, Vine, Wild Oat and Crab Apple)

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.