Defusing Words

Recently Defined Defusing Words

Inner Being (added February 5, 2025, defined by Rhoda Randhawa, Stuti Singh and Kat Miller)

Turmeric (added December 21, 2024, defined by Rhoda Randhawa, Stuti Singh and Kat Miller)

Tiger (added December 9, 2024, defined by Rhoda Randhawa, Stuti Singh and Kat Miller)

Defusing Words are used to address and mitigate potentially difficult or tense situations. These words help to make conversations less confrontational and more productive, by defusing the emotional charge of a situation. They can be used to express understanding, empathy and a willingness to find a solution, rather than escalating the conflict.

Using Defusing Words can help to deescalate tense situations and facilitate more productive and respectful communication.

Declare, affirm, chant, sing, or even just mentally "intend" the Defusing Word to defuse and release negative emotions and situations.

A number of Defusing Words are found in the Hawaiian healing technique Ho’oponopono.

Defusing Words are also part of the Ho’oponopono Essence Technique in the Healing Energy Vibrations vial available at:

Defusing Words can be mixed and matched with Switchwords.

I give much appreciation and many thanks to all the beautiful, sharing, caring people at the Facebook Switchwords Group for leading me on this ever more intriguing journey of discovery, for you have helped in development of this dynamic and growing Defusing Words list.

Defusing Words Quick List

Click on Defusing Word to see definition.
Red Defusing Words have additional articles linked to them.


Adamas Diamond
Amor Fati


Blue Bonnet

Blue Goo
Blue Iris

Buck Up


Carpe Diem
Cedar Pine Chips

Chewing Gum
Cho Ku Rei

Coconut Tree
Cogito Ergo Sum

Crock Pot


Dai Ko Myo
Dancing Cane







Genesa Crystal
Give Pause

Good News

Green Maple Leaf


Hakuna Matata

Healing Fern
Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Hot Cakes



Ice Blue
Inner Being




Kentucky Coffeetree


Lemon Drop
Licorice Root
Light Switch


Magna Carta
Magnum Opus

Mea Culpa

Merry Go Round
Mirrored Reflection


Oompa Loompa




Picnic Basket
Pie Crust
Piggy Bank

Pillar of the Peace of I
Praying Mantis







Santa Claus
Sei Hei Ki



Sweet Violets


Tabula Rasa
Teapot Whistle
Tiger Lily




Vanilla Bean Pod





Defusing Words Definitions

(Click on Red-colored Defusing Words to read more about them.)

Defusing  Words & Effects and/or Uses

Adamas Diamond
Adamas Diamond is for defusing, releasing and expelling weakness in the mind, body and soul, letting go of grief, trauma and related fears, and helping create strong and enduring relationships, strengthening and toning the body, creating refined sharp features, adding beauty and allure.

Adamas Diamond defuses confusion, lack of direction and indecisiveness, giving clarity with a strong focus for flourishing under pressure.

Amoeba defuses overstepping boundaries. No matter what our motivation is for “helping” others, when we take on their responsibilities it diminishes them and ourselves. Improve trust and be a better support by encouraging others as they learn to manage what is theirs. In return, we improve our own circumstances by using our energies to be our best selves.

Amor Fati (pronounced "ah more fah tea")
Amor Fati helps defuse and release the need to fight the tide, and to stay in the present moment. Amor Fati is for defusing and releasing the need to lament, shed tears and feel sorrow over one's fate, accepting, embracing and abiding within it. Amor Fati helps one recognize that everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, is good or, at the very least, necessary.

Ashoka defuses stalemate. Brings new perspective to that which seems at an impasse resulting in a more fulfilling, meaningful outcome.

Backyard is for defusing and releasing cooped up, restlessness, cramped and restricted. Backyard allows relaxation, keeps a close connection to family and can help increase productivity. Backyard opens more personal space and gives privacy and protection.

Behold is for defusing and releasing despair. Behold increases ability to appreciate, view, watch, and admire beauty.

Blue Bonnet
Blue Bonnet is about defusing illness and healing with grace and ease. Blue Bonnet is about removing difficulties and awkwardness felt during times of struggle, returning one effortlessly to wellness.

Blue Goo
Blue Goo is for defusing and removing contrary and uninvited energies from relationships. At times outside and contrary energies may enter into the space of a relationship. Use Blue Goo to surround and engulf these unwanted energies and remove them from the relationship, leaving only energies which belong in the relationship.

Blue Iris
Blue Iris is about defusing and clearing communication channels with Source. Blue is the color of communication. Iris is for connection with higher realms. Blue Iris therefore is about clearing and opening lines of communication to Source and Spiritual communication.

Bluebell is for defusing and releasing stagnant negative emotions, and old ways of thinking. Bluebell helps clear space for new ideas and positive focuses. In clearing the mind clutter, Bluebell helps open communication channels, including improved speech and hearing.

Blueberries is for defusing and releasing ill health, cognitive impairment, fatigue and inflammation.  Blueberries help us to let go of unwanted emotional baggage.  Blueberries may be useful for improving overall health. Use Blueberries to help soften dry skin, boost your brain power, and sweeten your disposition.

Buck Up
Buck Up is for defusing and releasing feeling incapable, overwhelm, weakness and reeling against. Buck Up gives a second wind, helps one push beyond, rise to a challenge. Buck Up gives fortitude and starts things moving. Buck Up brings encouragement and inner strength to deal with the current situation.

Butter is for defusing and releasing stubbornness, an unbending and inflexible nature, hardhearted and stinginess. When it feels like a stalemate has been reached and things cannot be figured out, Butter helps to soften the situation, grease the grooves of the mind, open additional choices and take a new course, releasing resistance. Butter also helps one to simply slide around what may seem an insurmountable obstacle.

Butter adds a savory flavor to what otherwise may be a dry and tasteless life.

Butterfly is about defusing and shedding old beliefs that no longer serve us, allowing us to smoothly transition as we journey through life. Butterfly is about transforming from seeing life as a mundane daily drudge to soaring to new heights and gaining a wider perspective.

Bypass is for defusing need to participate in unwelcome situations.

Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem (kahr-pey dee-uhm) is for defusing and releasing grief, despair and lackluster in the life experience. Carpe Diem reminds us to live in the moment, that the past is gone and the future is yet to arrive. Carpe Diem entices us to seize the day, the moment, and be in the now.

Catharsis helps defuse and release intense emotions following traumatic or overwhelming events. Catharsis helps in purging and cleansing negativity, lessening the intensity of feelings, and leading to a sense of relief and clarity. Catharsis helps one to recognize that there is a need for emotional release, prompting the beginning of an emotional purging and healing process.

Cedar Pine Chips
Cedar Pine Chips helps defuse and release tension, release the need to control life and the feeling that “I am not enough.” In turn this helps increase immunity and speed recovery from disease and/or surgery. Cedar Pine Chips helps increase brilliance, intellect, love and prosperity. Cedar Pine Chips also helps in reconnection and harmonization with Mother Nature.

Cherries is for defusing the perspective of lack, victim, suspicion, and resistance. Cherries helps us see that experiences in life are simply that, experience. The positive or contra energies that arise from our experiences are by our choices in how we are willing to allow them to affect us. Like cherries which can be tart or sweet, all experiences can be used for our good depending on what we do with them.

Chewing Gum
Chewing Gum is to defuse and release pressure, tension and stress. When one is feeling pressure, tension and stress, Chewing Gum gives a way to work through it and bring back peace of mind. One can use the word or the action of Chewing Gum to defuse and release.

Chimpanzee helps in defusing and releasing conflicts and misunderstandings, allowing for situations to be healed, and for peace, harmony and tranquility to prevail. Chimpanzee helps defuse and release floundering, blundering and miscommunications, helping us learn societal complexities (there are often very complex things behind each social interaction), and enhance our language and communication skills.

Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei (pronounced "Cho-Koo-Ray") is for defusing and releasing feelings of powerlessness, helping to increase and enhance protection from negative energies.

Chocolate is about defusing and erasing violent tendencies and creating miracles. Chocolate is about reminding us to look for the miracles in everyday life. Chocolate is about finding a golden nugget, something miraculous in even the worst of situations. Chocolate can be helpful in defusing and removing depression because depression is brought on by focusing on the negative things in life and Chocolate is about finding a golden nugget in every situation.

Citadel is for defusing weakness, helplessness, and the feeling of not knowing how to get through a situation. Citadel brings security, strength and fortitude with rock-solid protection. Citadel helps one navigate through trying times, and builds one's natural defense mechanism, giving strength to start again when necessary. Citadel shows there is a light at the end of the tunnel, helps one to recoup and carry on, continuing with a sure-footed belief that we live in a Universe that wants our good. Citadel infuses security and peace.

Coconut Tree
Coconut Tree defuses lack of purpose. See life as a whole instead of individual parts. Realize that each thing you accomplish is significant as it contributes to the whole. None of the small daily essential things can be discarded as irrelevant. Success is doing many small acts daily and doing them well. Find satisfaction in keeping on with the keeping on.

Cogito Ergo Sum
Cogito Ergo Sum is for defusing and releasing old beliefs no longer serving us. Cogito Ergo Sum translates to English as "I think, therefore I am," which returns us to basics. When all else is stripped away, consciousness is still there. Cogito Ergo Sum unites all with tolerance and hope. Cogito Ergo Sum entreats us to think freely and independent. Cogito Ergo Sum gives us an unshakable foundation from which to build.

Connect/Contact is for defusing loneliness and lack of communication. Connect/Contact brings two or more energies together.  Connect/Contact opens one up to creating associations and bonds.  (Use either word, not both.)

Cornucopia is for defusing and releasing lack, allowing one to connect with inexhaustible abundance, an overflowing supply. Cornucopia, also known as Horn of Plenty, is a symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers or nuts.

Crock Pot
Crock Pot is for defusing and releasing anxiety, impatience and need for immediate results. Crock Pot defuses restlessness, nervousness, nervous energy and complications. Crock Pot defuses and releases repeating negative patterns and stuck ways of thinking with beliefs and surroundings, and with peer and family pressure.

Crock Pot helps one find the easiest solution to get the job done. Crock Pot reminds us that sometimes the best, most beautiful things in life take time to come to fruition. Crock Pot brings perseverance, belief in the future, and confidence that our expectations will be met.

Crock Pot reassures us that what we want is on its way, though it may not presently be visible to us. Crock Pot helps reinstall faith to keep on keeping on until our previously unmanifested desires enter into our reality.

Cucumber defuses and releases feelings of dissatisfaction with current situations and circumstances, helping one to move into a positive mindset and achieve goals. Cucumber defuses and releases meekness, subjugated, powerless thoughts, disharmony with surroundings and unhappiness, helping to restore one's feelings of purity, beauty and grace. Cucumber helps one remain calm and cool, heightens awareness and points the way to solutions.

Curry is about defusing pain and inflammation. Curry is about reconnecting with joyful memories to help defuse and remove painful, invading thoughts and feelings. Curry is about letting go of inflammatory thoughts about ourselves and others. Curry is about allowing joyful movement through the life experience.

Dai Ko Myo
Dai Ko Myo (pronounced Dye-Ko-My-O) is for defusing and releasing darkness. Dai Ko Myo connects us to the Divine, bringing in knowledge, truth and enlightenment. Dai Ko Myo helps heal the soul and our karma.

Dancing Cane
Dancing Cane is about catching the negative bits and pieces, sweeping them away and filling the spaces left behind with joy. Dancing Cane is about feeling uplifted and joyful. Dancing Cane is about releasing, letting go, and removing destructive thoughts. Use Dancing Cane to enjoy the current moment, the now.

Use Dewdrop for defusing negative emotions. Use Dewdrop to quell fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, etc. This can be used anywhere, anytime. Just focus on what you want to defuse and say Dewdrop.

Dolphin is for accepting, defusing and releasing intense negative emotions.  In holding onto intense negative emotions we create emotional and physical pain.  The clicking sound a Dolphin makes while swimming with humans creates a sound vibration that encourages us to change our focus and release judgments against ourselves and others, which in turn begins to relax the spaces where we hold those emotions, opening us to healing the scars of the past.  Dolphin entreats us to cleanse our perspectives, purify our hearts and connect to well-being.

Dove is about defusing self-loathing, letting go of mourning that which is in the past, allowing bygones to be bygones and releasing resentment, opening one for peace and serenity.  The Dove has no gallbladder and as such is often seen to be at peace with the world, as it has no gall (bitterness of spirit).  A Dove will always speak up for itself, making its voice heard.  Use Dove to help you stand up and speak for yourself, rather than allowing others to speak for you.

Dragonfly is for defusing friction and discord. Dragonfly is for creating prosperity and harmony. Dragonfly is for giving one inspiration, learning, and seeing light magic in our own lives and the lives of those around us. Dragonfly reminds us to consciously make an effort to express our hopes, dreams, needs and wishes. Dragonfly is light magic.

Eagle is for defusing and releasing narrow thinking, shortsightedness and lack of keen vision. Eagle helps restore us to our power. Eagle gives us freedom to exceed our usual limits and soar to new heights.

Encore is for defusing anxiety, pressure and stress. An Encore allows you to sit back and relax a little longer. An Encore extends the time away from the hustle, bustle and pressures of everyday life. An Encore gives you more time to just be in the now.

Ensure is for defusing negative results that come about by not acting or performing. Ensure helps one to take precautions and bring surety of results. When we have done the deed, the result is a surety. Ensure helps us to do what needs doing, not just visualize it. Ensure helps us take advantage of the Saturn energy to complete the deed and create positive karma.

Fade is for defusing and releasing worries, negative emotions or anything you wish to remove from your current experience.  Fade removes unwanted thoughts, feelings, experiences, etc., from your current  focus.

5-4-3-2-1-Push is for defusing and releasing the need for procrastination, giving excuses why you can't do the things you want, feeling demotivated, disheartened, dreariness and being paralyzed by fear of doing what you want and are prompted to do. By counting backward from 5 to 1 then pushing to simply take the inspired action, you quiet the mind, stop it from giving excuses not to do it and quell the fears of stepping into your decision and supporting it.

In her book, The 5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins shows us how that first 5 seconds after a thought, idea or intention comes to you is the time the mind uses to talk you out of it, and using 5-4-3-2-1-Push to quiet the mind and instead maintain your focus and simply take the inspired action now can completely change your life. 5-4-3-2-1-Push helps defuse stagnation, uncertainty and stuckedness, moving you to rewire you thinking, and to grab the opportunity now, striking while the iron is hot.

Use 5-4-3-2-1-Push throughout the day to start making decisions, even small ones, stand in them and move forward in supporting them now.

Fleur-de-lis (pronounced "flur-duh-leez") is for defusing and releasing memories of bloodshed, of constant warfare and slavery to ideas, places, situations and beliefs that result in constant warfare. The three petals of the Fleur-de-lis represent faith, wisdom and chivalry (service to others, honor and nobility). Fleur-de-lis also represents virtue and spirituality.

Use Flypaper for defusing relationship issues. When negative energy enters love, family or any other personal relationship, call Flypaper to defuse it and allow it to dissipate. Call Flypaper to release it from the relationship. Flypaper holds onto things, and does not release them. Flypaper helps to take the negatives away from you.

Fountain is for defusing lack, opening one to abundance.  Fountain helps one to connect to Source, as a Fountain has a continuous flow from Source. Fountain can also be uplifting; as water begins to flow from a Fountain it flows up and then out and spreads, engulfing, quenching, nurturing and nourishing.  A Fountain is in continuous motion, refreshing, energizing, entrancing, relieving stress and calming the spirit.  Fountain brings faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well.  Fountain reminds us that hope springs eternal.

Genesa Crystal
Genesa Crystal is for defusing and releasing atmospheric negativity and heaviness, allowing for cleansing and rebalancing of the environment. Genesa Crystal transmutes and neutralizes negative energy flow, creating a light, positive space. Genesa Crystal helps defuse and release emotional and mental negativity, conflict and discord. Genesa Crystal helps remove unbalanced, discordant and/or scrambled energy and bring renewed and refreshed vital energy to the environment around us.

Ginger is for defusing chronic inflammatory thoughts and irritations. Ginger helps defuse and release resentment and old pains associated with the death of old dreams. Ginger helps one to move into a space of calming acceptance.

Give Pause
Give Pause helps defuse and release self-sabotage and tension, as it encourages the practice of taking a moment to reflect before making a decision or taking action. Give Pause can help prevent impulsive or reactive behavior that may lead to self-sabotage. By giving yourself time to think and consider your options, you can make more thoughtful and intentional choices that align with your goals and values, rather than acting in ways that undermine your own success or well-being.

Give Pause asks one to stop and think about something carefully or to have doubts about something. Give Pause can be useful defusing tension or conflict by encouraging reflection and consideration of different perspectives.

Give Pause encourages individuals to take a step back, reflect on the situation, and consider different perspectives, which can help to deescalate heated conversations, defuse tension and create an opportunity for a more productive dialogue.

Give Pause provides an opportunity to consider the long-term consequences of one's actions and make more thoughtful and intentional choices that align with their goals and values, avoiding self-sabotage, and navigating conflicts more effectively.

Good News
Good News is for defusing lethargy, boredom and negative focuses. Good News gives a wonderful excited feeling, brings anticipation of something positive coming. Good News shifts one to an instant happy feeling, positive to the core. Good News brings elation, gratitude and positivity.

Gratitude is for defusing condemnation, disapproval, judgmental and blame. In Gratitude we give acknowledgment, recognition and appreciation for what we have.

Green Maple Leaf
Green Maple Leaf is for defusing deep depression, feeling unloved, unappreciated, uncared for, and feelings of wanting to give up on life. Green Maple Leaf helps give a sense of fulfillment, love and appreciation.

Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata (pronounced "ha-kune-a ma-ta-ta") is for defusing the need to see problems in life and allowing them to engulf you. Hakuna Matata helps one to release the pressures and enjoy the day. Hakuna is Swahili for "there is not here" and Matata "problems." There is no problem until we see something as a problem. As humans, we tend to shy away from problems and rise to challenges. Hakuna Matata helps turn a problem around and transform it into an enjoyable challenge. When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

Harmony is for defusing discord, cacophony, and conflict. In Harmony there is comfort and calming. Harmony helps us to accept contrasting elements, and recognize the beauty in contrast. Harmony helps us let go of discord and conflict, and allow people and life to simply flow.

Healing Fern
Healing Fern is for defusing and releasing festering worries, frustrations, anger and anxiety, causing ulcers and irritations in our bodies and our lives.

Hibiscus is for defusing and releasing cowering, unsociable standoffishness, insecurity, and inability to adjust to new environments, helping to restore hope, feel comfortable and secure in social interactions, and be vibrant and joyful. Hibiscus helps defuse and release previous abuse and exploitation causing one to feel cold, awkward, and disconnected from female sexuality and beauty, allowing soul integration with warmth, vitality, passion and fertility. Hibiscus helps defuse and release judgmental and intolerant, raising one's energy, increasing joy, attraction, prosperity and connectedness. Hibiscus is for defusing and releasing the need to push against your own power, surrender to the Divine, and overcome obstacles with perseverance and attain your goals.

Holy Basil (Tulsi)
Holy Basil is for defusing stress and fatigue. Holy Basil helps restore and balance the immune system. Holy Basil helps improve stamina, giving you a “second wind.” Holy Basil helps flush away toxic energies. Holy Basil can be useful in removing toxic energies from relationships.

Home is for defusing insecurity, loneliness, apartness, longing and fear. Home helps one center in peace, feel secure, safe and relaxed. When we are at Home we feel secure, let down our guards and feel free to be ourselves. When we feel at Home we stop worrying about how others see us, and we relax into just being.

Home is where the HEART is.

Honey is for defusing bitter anger and resentment. Honey softly surrounds, engulfs and permeates, sweetening all contacts it makes.  Use Honey to help you let go of bitterness and replace it with soft, tender, sweetness.

Honeysuckle is for defusing anxiety. Anxiety comes from looking to the future through the filters of negative past experiences. Honeysuckle helps release attachments to negative past experiences, allowing one to gain perspective and giving one more clarity in thought processes.

Hot Cakes
Hot Cakes defuses stagnation and lull. Hot Cakes defuses and releases anxiety and fear attached to the selling of articles. When sales seem to be in a slump, and we feel fear and anxiety about not being able to sell enough, Hot Cakes reminds us that our wares can be very easy to sell. Hot Cakes gives a push to move ahead. Hot Cakes helps increase the popularity, supply and demand, allowing for a flow of sales! Hot Cakes gives one more ideas, opportunities for growth. Hot Cakes gets you up and moving with speed.

Hu (pronounced "hue" or "who") is for defusing and releasing anxiety, stress, insomnia, and apartness. Hu helps defuse and release inner tensions and solve problems, bringing one to a calm, strong, centered space, and connecting one with Source. Hu literally takes one to a place of knowing that all is well.

Hu is the power of the spoken word, the power of creation. Hu is said to be in the first and the last breaths, and is interwoven into all languages, all sounds. Hu connects us to Oneness with the Universe, opening us to love, freedom, wisdom, and truth. Hu is the part of Human that connects us to the divinity within us. Hu helps one to connect to spiritual upliftment. Hu brings a feeling of peace, warmth, and comfort, and gives greater spiritual insights into one's daily life, bringing a broader understanding of the life one leads.

Hu can help you see your life from a higher viewpoint. Hu helps you to feel the world with love, and fill the world with love.

Hubristic is for defusing and releasing repeated negative patterns. Hubristic helps stop the loop of relearning the same lesson, the ego not willing to change, accept, say sorry or get rewired.

Huckleberry is for defusing rigidity in thinking, boredom, deeply ingrained beliefs, old thoughts and ideas. Huckleberry defuses stubbornness, holding on, stuck situations and helps in healing where a persistent ailment has been refusing to go away. Huckleberry defuses ancestral Karma, thoughts of giving up and feelings of helplessness, opening new opportunities and allowing you to dream big dreams. Huckleberry defuses self-ruining, self deprecating thoughts and low self-esteem, allowing you to love yourself, exactly as you are.

Humble is for defusing arrogance and false pride.  Humble is for quieting the tyrannical ego, allowing for release of suffering and sorrow.  When Humble, one is open to learning and gaining wisdom. Humble allows for self-understanding and awareness, openness, and perspective taking. Humble enhances effectiveness in leadership.

Ice Blue
Use Ice Blue for defusing pain. Whenever you are hurt - a cut, a burn, have any pain - think or say Ice Blue. You can also write it body parts to help defuse the pain.

Idea is for defusing and releasing inertia, dreariness and arduous routines.  Idea brings a powerful focus to innovation, passion and zeal.  Idea opens one to increasing development and advancement in life, relationships and career.

Inner Being
Inner Being helps to defuse negative self-talk and external noise, offering clarity, calm, and a spiritual or existential understanding, guiding you to live life from the inside out. It supports your personal identity, and purpose, helping you to listen to and trust your intuition as you navigate your life path.

By fostering healing, balance, and peace, Inner Being encourages detachment from external pressures, focusing instead on authentic self-expression. It connects you with your core, enhancing self-awareness and intuition, guiding you toward decisions made with patience rather than haste or anger, by allowing for a more reflective decision-making process.

Inner Being helps in calming your Inner Child to achieve a state of peace and focus, especially when feeling lost or anxious, integrating this aspect into a more cohesive self.

Ultimately, Inner Being reinforces a life of autonomy, leading to more authentic interactions with the world, where your actions are truly reflective of your inner truth. This authenticity enhances life satisfaction and fulfillment, making the journey of personal growth both inwardly and outwardly rewarding.

Jelly is for defusing rigid thinking and concrete thoughts. Jelly allows for shifting of ideas. Jelly helps give clarity of thought by removing clutter and large obstacles. Jelly helps one to see through a situation and get a feel for what is on the other side.

Jukebox is for defusing and releasing frustration, depression and irritation. Jukebox allows you to choose your own path for emotional cleansing, and share it with others. Jukebox allows the music to play on and on, flowing in harmony and allowing for deep emotional cleansing.

Kaizen is for defusing and releasing feelings of lack of growth, disappointment, failure, directionless, bringing focus to the task at hand with diligence and cooperation.  Kaizen is for defusing and releasing anxiety, need to blame others, circumstances, and simply take action.  Kaizen is for defusing and releasing thinking that it is useless, nothing can happen here (or anywhere in life), opening new perspectives and allowing for new lines of thought.  Kaizen helps defuse and release fear of change causing half-hearted attempts to improve life circumstances, giving one focus and dedication.  Kaizen helps defuse and release separatism, jealousy and need to degrade efforts of others, bringing together teams, helping each other find solutions and solve challenges, allowing all to grow from the experience.  Kaizen reminds us that each small step taken leads us closer to our goals, helping to achieve even large, complex tasks.

Kaleidoscope is for defusing monotony and drudgery, Cinderella Syndrome (fear of independence) and inferiority complex.  Kaleidoscope helps give one a feeling of beauty, self-worth, confidence, purpose, shows how changing oneself is possible, and can be beautiful.  Kaleidoscope helps us see that we can take control of our lives and create the changes we desire ourselves.

Kentucky Coffeetree
Kentucky Coffeetree is about defusing and releasing negative energy and judgment. The Kentucky Coffeetree is about shifting perspectives. The Kentucky Coffeetree is about returning life where death is apparent. The Kentucky Coffeetree can be deeply healing.

Lemon Drop
Use Lemon Drop for defusing and melting problems away. Just as when a candy Lemon Drop melts, its sourness and bitterness are released, Lemon Drop helps release sourness and bitterness which may be creating problems in your life (good for jealousy and envy).

Licorice Root
Licorice Root is for defusing and releasing stress, pain and headaches. Licorice Root is useful for fever, runny nose, congestion and coughing. Licorice Root relieves stress and boosts the immune system.

Light Switch
Light Switch is about defusing negatives and turning on the positive. Consider the Light Switch as an illuminator. Use Light Switch with the desired state you wish to attain.

Feeling anger and resentment, need for revenge? Defuse those feelings with forgiveness. To achieve forgiveness, and defuse the anger, resentment and/or need for revenge say: Light Switch FORGIVE.

This puts illumination on forgiveness, which in turn helps defuse anger, resentment and the need for revenge. It is important when using Light Switch that you focus on what you want, not what you do not want. Never use Light Switch with what you do not want. Always find a positive focus that will help defuse what you do not want and use Light Switch with that.

Magna Carta
Magna Carta is for defusing and releasing tyranny, oppression, controlling bonds, bullying, coercion and domination, relieving suffering, opening independence and allowing for freedom of expression. Magna Carta helps ensure that everyone, including those in power, takes responsibility for their choices and actions. Magna Carta helps bring protection, fairness and justice to all levels of society.

Magnum Opus
Magnum Opus is for defusing and releasing feelings of inadequacy, frustration, and/or doubt, allowing you to release negative emotions, bringing a more positive and determined mindset that can help you focus on your personal growth and achievements, ultimately leading to greater success and fulfillment. Magnum Opus reminds you of your potential and the importance of your own journey towards self-improvement and success. Magnum Opus opens you to self-belief, giving you vision to build and experience things that are larger than life.

Manhattan is for defusing confusion, frustration and overwhelm in a chaotic and/or busy environment. Manhattan allows you to maintain focus and peaceful awareness wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Manhattan helps maintain equilibrium and balance.

Mea Culpa
Mea Culpa helps defuse and release inability to acknowledge and take responsibility for one's own mistakes, which may have caused victimization and feelings of guilt, in turn bringing about stubbornness, rigidity of thought, perfectionism, dogmatism and arrogance.

Mea Culpa is a Latin phrase that means "through my fault" and is an acknowledgment of having done wrong. Mea Culpa helps one acknowledge that they are human, can make mistakes, but also have the spirit, ability, wherewithal and power to make things right again.

Mercury is for defusing fragmented feelings. Mercury, when fragmented pulls itself quickly and easily back together. Mercury also has an extremely low melting point (-37.89 F;-38.83 C) and very high boiling point (674.11 F; 356.73 C). Mercury encourages one to pull oneself back together when feeling segregated and separated. Mercury also encourages stability and fluidity, as Mercury maintains both through extreme changes in environmental temperament (temperature).

Merry Go Round
Merry Go Round is for defusing and releasing boredom and single perspectives.  As a Merry Go Round turns, one has an ever-changing view of the world around them. Besides turning around, a Merry Go Round often has seats that move up and down, allowing one to see things from above and below.  Watching a Merry Go Round, with its passengers going around and around, up and down can be entrancing.  Watching as loved ones move past and around, disappearing then reappearing, we are reminded of life cycles, that change is inevitable. Merry Go Round reminds us to look for new outlooks, widen our horizons, and appreciate the cycle of life.

Mirrored Reflection
Mirrored Reflection is for defusing harsh judgment and criticism of others, which creates barriers between oneself and others, to avoid seeing self. Mirrored Reflection is for defusing rejection of self and others as they are. By defusing these things Mirrored Reflection reveals the truth of self on all levels, and opens one up to acceptance and love of all aspects of self, both light and dark, as valuable to the whole. This acceptance and love in turn allow one to accept and love those around them, as the world around us is always a reflection of our inner thoughts and feelings.

Mustard helps defuse and release melancholy, mourning losses, grief and lost faith, helping to restore faith in yourself, life and Source, allowing you to loosen up and breathe easier.

Mustard is for defusing and removing obstacles, negative energies and vibrations, purifying personal energies, opening to manifestation, bringing upliftment and joy in life. Mustard helps temper (soften) and defuse anger, sadness and gloom, bringing sudden calmness, and peaceful resolution to conflicts.

Mustard reminds you to scatter the small joys you find throughout your life and share them with others. Mustard defuses lackluster and helps to bring new zeal and spice into your life. Mustard reminds you to take small steps, one at a time, to reach your goals.

Oompa Loompa
Oompa Loompa is for defusing need for rigid adherence to conventional behavior. This opens one to having fun within established boundaries regardless of circumstances. Oompa Loompa supports being in the creative flow.

Ozone is for defusing careless regard for Nature including wilderness and domestic living things. Ozone supports responsible stewardship of Earth, its creatures, waters, and flora. Awareness begins with gratitude for its bountiful gifts that nourish our senses, our wellness, and our enjoyment.

Pear is about defusing a sense of lack, allowing you to flow with abundance. Green Pears picked and kept cool will ripen over the course of a month, yet left at room temperature will ripen quickly, allowing for Pear abundance. Pear trees are hardy and most can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees F/C, and as such are plentiful around the world. The seed chambers of the Pear are arranged in a five-point star pattern, which symbolize the five areas of abundance which Pear represents: Wellness, Interpersonal Relationships (family, friends, social, business), Spiritual, Intellectual and Financial.

Peppermint is for defusing anger, irritability, inflammation and pain. Peppermint is cooling and soothing. Peppermint is an antispasmodic. Peppermint is bursting with flavor and brings delight to our senses. Use Peppermint to help defuse anger, irritability, inflammation and pain, allowing you to bring flavor and delight into your life experience.

Peppermint also binds with heavy metals, helping to remove them from the body. Heavy metal toxicity can be a root cause of a variety of health concerns, especially including digestive issues, brain fog, memory loss, insomnia and headaches. Enhance the effects of the Defusing Word Peppermint, by adding Peppermint to your diet, including Peppermint tea, Peppermint leaves in salads, cooking with Peppermint, or even just chewing Peppermint leaves.

Periwinkle helps defuse and de-escalate tense situations, leveraging its inherent associations with calmness, simplicity, and resilience to bring tranquility and peace. Periwinkle helps to simplify complex or heated arguments, reminding participants of simpler, more straightforward solutions or perspectives. Periwinkle suggests the use of a gentle approach to conflict resolution, indicating a need for gentle, non-confrontational methods to resolve disputes, and use of a soft touch when handling sensitive issues.

Periwinkle can bring up shared memories and common ground to defuse tension, remember connections rather than differences. Periwinkle inspires a return to innocence and purity in intentions, suggesting that misunderstandings and conflicts may be resolved by recalling your original, pure intentions and the innocence of the situation before it escalated.

Periwinkle brings resilience in the face of conflict, encouraging endurance and the ability to recover from disagreements without lasting harm.

With its calming effects, Periwinkle can help lower blood pressure, and reduce swelling and inflammation.

Phoenix is for defusing trauma, confusion, and overwhelm due to sudden, unexpected changes. Phoenix supports taking a deep breath, stepping back, and taking comfort before renewing forward motion.

Picnic Basket
Picnic Basket is for defusing the habit of having fun only when the work’s all done. Picnic Basket supports varying activity as a way to renew and recharge. One may still be working, but mixing it up will reinvigorate effectiveness and interest clearing the way for fresh ideas and the ability to whistle while you work.

Pie Crust
Pie Crust is for defusing apartness, separatism, judgment.  A Pie Crust often holds together many varying and opposing flavors (views), allowing them to merge, creating a whole that far exceeds the individual parts.  Pie Crust protects and encourages mingling in a safe, secure environment. Pie Crust inspires stepping outside oneself to explore and merge with external values and views while maintaining protection.  Pie Crust represents a Mother's love, protection and encouragement.

Piggy Bank
Piggy Bank is for defusing reckless spending, frittering and squandering, opening one to retaining reserves. Whether it is money, energy or emotions, Piggy Bank gives a space to accumulate surplus for later use. Piggy Bank helps keep spending in check.

Pillar of the Peace of I
Pillar of the Peace of I is about getting away from and defusing negative energy and finding balance and peace; reconnecting with Divinity. Whenever you feel out of sorts, unbalanced, irritated, call the Pillar of the Peace of I to bring Divine Light to you.

Pocket allows you to put something out of sight, defusing and releasing it from your current focus. Pocket defuses resistance and emotional weather, allowing for smooth transitions, bringing you new perspectives. Pocket helps in defusing hoarding, which connects to fear of letting go of the past, and fear of lack in the future, opening you to abundance. Pocket defuses holding onto old beliefs and thinking, allowing you to safely look at the world with a new wider vision. Pocket defuses need to follow previously established routines, procedures and ways of doing things, allowing for new ideas and ways of completing tasks.

Popcorn is for defusing tense group situations. Popcorn supports releasing confrontation energy and creating cooperation in purpose and direction. Individuals shine as they contribute to the project at hand.

Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis is for defusing anger, stress, anxiety, fear, and all negative emotions. Praying Mantis is a symbol of meditation and contemplation. Praying Mantis is a sign of good fortune. Praying Mantis is about strengthening connection to Source, actively and aggressively pursuing life aspirations and objectives along your intended life path.

Prime helps defuse and release fear that one is not good enough, fear of failure, and feeling that this is not the right time. Prime helps bring a positive sense of self, a knowing that you are important, and can make yourself a priority. Prime helps defuse and release inferiority complex, feeling irrelevant and immaturity, allowing improved self-esteem, and moving forward with ease, joy, happiness and strength in every area of your life.

Qualified is for defusing and releasing dissatisfaction, disparity and feeling unaccomplished. Qualified helps one attain goals, feel skilled, successful and complete. Qualified helps increase self-esteem, and gives a feeling of accomplishment. Qualified can help one build a skillset for accomplishing new tasks.

Raindrops is about defusing suppressed toxic emotions, polluting thoughts and associated poor behavior patterns. “The solution to pollution is dilution.” Just as Raindrops surround (dilute) toxins in the air and rain them down to the ground where Mother Earth cleanses them with her earthen filter, leaving the air fresh and clean, the Defusing Word Raindrops is about surrounding and diluting toxic emotions with pure, clean, uplifting energy, helping wash away polluted thoughts, allowing renewal, and opening opportunities to release associated negative behaviors (such as eating disorders, antisocial behaviors, and unhealthy lifestyles).

Raspberry is for defusing unforgiveness, taking things personally and overreacting.  Raspberry is for defusing insensitivity, lashing out, lack of understanding and bitterness.  Raspberry opens one up to forgiveness, benevolence, and generosity.  Raspberry helps one to let go of old wounds and take responsibility for one's actions.

Replenish is for defusing and releasing the need to be in a rat race, and intentionally rest to restore a sense of calm, and reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Replenish allows you to take pause, refuel and reset. Replenish helps increase resilience, adaptability and improve executive function (executive function helps you stay on task, plan, organize, and to manage your emotions).

Rock is about defusing social and racial bigotry, bias and prejudice. Rock is about bringing solidarity and unity in social relationships, as well as relationship with self. Rock incorporates many apparently disparate substances into one solid, cohesive mass, protective of the center. Rock can be very healing for skin conditions, as skin is the “Rock” of the body.

Roses is about defusing fear, apathy, resignation, apartness and imbalances with love, caring and beauty. Roses grow together as many and most often are given in bunches. Roses inspires courage, inner peace and tranquility. Roses helps reconnect with Source. Roses is  about love energy.

Sandbox is for defusing frustrations and irritability when plans go awry. Sandbox supports seeing from different perspectives for a more solid foundation from which to make decisions. Sandbox helps keep creative juices flowing as new challenges and beneficial possibilities are discovered.

Santa Claus
Santa Claus is for defusing selfishness, thoughtlessness, self-centered, vain and egotistical behaviors.  Santa Claus brings joy, creativity, love, a magical feeling, and a giving spirit.  Santa Claus gives gifts in anonymity. Santa Claus opens one up to anonymous generosity.

Sei Hei Ki
Sei Hei Ki (pronunciation: say-hay-key) is for defusing and releasing addictions and negative energies. Sei Hei Ki cleanses, purifies, harmonizes and protects. SeiHei Ki helps stabilize traumatic situations by restoring emotional calm and confidence. Sei Hei Ki gives a helping hand for getting through life's difficulties.

Serendipity is for defusing and releasing serious tensions associated with trying to find answers to important questions. Serendipity opens one to seeing beyond the current focus, opening blind spots, making connections and forming new bridges of thought. Serendipity helps one discern new paths for discovery. Serendipity helps bring pleasant surprises and fortunate happenstances, often when least expected.

Snowflake is for defusing and releasing the need to be like everyone else. Each Snowflake is uniquely original, just like you. Snowflake reminds you that it is your uniqueness that creates the beauty that is you.

Soup is for defusing dissatisfaction with current circumstances. There may not be enough to go around right now, but defusing contrary attitudes will make room for supportive change. Soup supports using what’s available to create by yourself or with others something better, something nourishing, something delicious.

Stardust is for defusing ignorance of the Universal Life Cycle and our interconnectedness with each other. Stardust reminds us that we come from the stars and the stars come from us. Stardust is produced in a supernova explosion during the cataclysmic end of a star's life. Stardust is ejected into space by the force of the massive explosion, where it is mixed with other matter and forms new stars and planets. The Earth is rich in heavy elements from Stardust. The iron in our blood and the calcium in our bones were forged from Stardust. We are made of Stardust, and in time we return to Stardust. Stardust reminds us we are all one. Each of us sees a reflection of ourselves in the way we experience those around us. Stardust reminds us to follow the Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have others do unto you - because in the end you are doing it to yourself.

Strawberry is about dissolving and defusing love pain. A Strawberry is shaped very similar to a heart. Strawberry is a healer of the heart, helping to make it whole again.

Submit is for defusing and releasing need to push against your strengths. Submit is a choice fashioned of strength to create harmony of purpose by willingly putting others’ priorities ahead of your own. Submit defuses ego’s need to allow only one way to create desired outcomes.

Sunbeam is for defusing dark cold feelings. Sunbeam brings light and warmth wherever it goes, defusing and removing darkness and cold.

Sunflower is about dissolving and defusing blocks created by past memories, beliefs and rules limiting our access to joy. Sunflower gently soothes irritations and disharmonies to lift spirits and allow us to harmonize with joy and happiness. Sunflower brings us to the now, releasing focus on past and future, allowing us to experience the now in joy and happiness.

Sweat defuses and releases laziness, inertia, excuses and unwillingness to put forth extra effort when required. Sweat defuses and releases feelings of exhaustion, flustered, anger and irritation, allowing you to cool down. Sweat defuses anxiety, allowing for calm, clear thinking.

Sweat helps you push beyond your own perceived limitations of how much you can or cannot do. Often we draw lines without knowing our true potential, and Sweat makes us strive and flow through challenges. Sweat reminds you that you have earned the rewards and benefits you are receiving.

Sweet Violets
Sweet Violets is for defusing insomnia, fear, worries, stress and anger. Sweet Violets helps one to let go of stress and relax into sleep. Sweet Violets have five petals, representing the five organs they help to balance - liver, gallbladder, heart and kidneys (two). Heart-shaped leaves grow in a rosette around the base of the sweet-smelling and sweet-tasting flowers, showing us that caring (the Switchword SWEET means to be soothing and caring) is in the center of our hearts.

Sweetheart defuses and releases loneliness, lack of trust, lack of love, and the feeling that you will be alone forever, bringing trust, love and companionship. Sweetheart defuses and releases dullness, lackluster and boredom, bringing brilliance, radiance, vitality and liveliness into your life. Sweetheart helps defuse an aching heart and hesitation in reaching out for fear of rejection, bringing joy, fondness, loving undertones, generosity, loyalty and deeper connections.

Tabula Rasa
Tabula Rasa is for defusing and releasing negative, unwanted thoughts and impressions that were formed as we grew up. These can sometimes get in the way of our desires. Tabula Rasa helps us erase them and get back to a clean slate for fresh beginnings. Tabula Rasa helps defuse and release negative body states, states we learned as babies and children, and as adults have found ourselves entering them without necessarily knowing why and what triggered them. Tabula Rasa helps one start something new without any preconceived notions.

Teapot Whistle
Teapot Whistle is about defusing and releasing stresses of the day. Teapot Whistle helps create a time of relaxation, soothing and bonding. Teapot Whistle signals time for calmness and peace. Teapot Whistle inspires joy and sharing wonderments of the day with family and friends in a comfortable, warm environment.

Tiger helps to defuse, release and overcome feelings of fear or stress, connecting one to their inner strength and capacity to tackle challenges head-on. Tiger helps defuse and release overwhelm, anxiety, and intimidation. Tiger helps to bring prowess, fearlessness, and resilience in the face of adversity. Tiger helps one navigate through personal conflicts or daunting tasks. Tiger can empower one to face their problems with confidence, transforming negative energy into a proactive, assertive approach. Tiger helps one tap into their courage, to defuse tension and assert control over one's emotional state. Tiger helps one draw boundaries, protect their own and guard their territory.

Tiger Lily
Tiger Lily helps defuse and release cravings and addictions. Tiger Lily helps with grounding, with seeing through illusions. Tiger Lily helps bring one to inner peace and harmony.

Touchwood is for defusing and releasing feelings of bad luck. Touchwood helps us extend/continue with good luck. Touchwood helps keep a positive focus, acknowledge positive experiences and allow the positive experiences to continue.

Turmeric helps in defusing and releasing life's stresses, conflicts, inflammatory thoughts and feelings, evil, and negativity by bringing warmth, comfort, and a sense of protection. Turmeric infuses positivity into dull or challenging situations, bringing transformation in perspectives and situations toward well-being and peace, encapsulating a holistic approach to both personal and environmental harmony. Turmeric also may be helpful in defusing dullness and bringing a healthy glow.

Umbrella is for defusing vulnerability and feeling exposed.  An Umbrella protects one from unwanted exposure, adds protection beyond a hat and a coat.  Use Umbrella to protect and limit exposure.  Use Umbrella to allow negative energy to rain down around you without having it affect you.

Vanilla Bean Pod
Vanilla Bean Pod helps defuse and release sexual tensions, allowing for freedom of expression. Vanilla Bean Pod helps release grief, to open airways and allow free breathing. Therefore, Vanilla Bean Pod may also be useful for colds and flus.

Venus is for defusing disparity in love relationships, bringing back attraction, allowing for repair of the sex/love life. Venus also helps to defuse inhibitions and self-deprecation, allowing love, attraction, commitment and passion to grow in new relationships.  Venus should generally be used with the names of the two partners (or intention for two people) in a love relationship.

Walnut is for defusing and releasing rigid stands. Walnut helps release negative perspectives, clear thinking pathways in the brain, and improve overall health. Walnut represents wellness and abundance, and can be a talisman for health and longevity.

Warrior helps defuse suppressed thoughts relating to victimhood and loss of self-worth. Warrior helps one to stand strong in the face of fear, suppression and domination. Warrior is about opening one up to freedom of self-expression.

Weekend is for defusing and releasing stress and tensions. Weekend helps us unwind and relax, recoup and recharge. Weekend opens one to taking leisure time.

Wink is for defusing and releasing stress, tension and misunderstandings, uplifting the mood, bringing lightness and cheerful fun. Wink defuses and releases awkwardness and seriousness, allowing one to calm down, feel a deeper connection, and sharing a secret knowing (may be useful between friends, siblings and spouses).

Wisdom is for defusing anarchy and chaos. Wisdom brings order and appropriate action. Wisdom allows one to see methods for creating tranquility, stability and order where unruly chaos was.

Zeal is for defusing apathy, indifference and lethargy. Zeal brings passion and enthusiasm into the current focus. Zeal creates a keen interest. Zeal gives diligence wherever it is applied, and increases focus and dedication.

Zen is for defusing lack of, and deviation from, one's ethics and chosen path. Zen helps one switch to a watchful, aware, meditative state, releasing the need to judge experiences, and allowing life to simply flow.

The above compilation of Defusing Words is the combined work of Blue Iris Learning Center and friends and associates of Blue Iris.

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(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.