Open Switchwords List
See also definition of the Switch file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial.
Open Switchwords: These are Switchwords that work for most (50-94% of) people. There is a very large number of this type of Switchword. Many words that resonate with you, but are not listed in James Mangamβs book nor on the list of Universal Switchwords fall this category. There are thousands of Open Switchwords.
The following list of Open Switchwords is a compilation from many sources, especially including discussions with friends at the Facebook Switchwords Group. Β (Many THANKS to all of you.)
Open Switchwords in alphabetical order
(Click Light Blue Switchwords to read more about them)
ABIDE β accepting and residing within all that is; fulfill a wish (O)(92%)
ABRAHAM LINCOLN β resolve conflicts and reunite (or use someone you know who represents resolving conflicts and reunite)(O)(90%)
ABSOLVE β release guilt; release blame; obtain a waiver (O)(91%)
AIM β to give purpose (O)(93%)
ALERT β increase awareness; perk up; pay attention to your surroundings (O)(91%)
ALIGN β support (O)(92%)
ALL IN β totally enjoying, embracing and absorbing; 100% unshakable, unstoppable certainty; move forward; total realization; break through on all levels - physical, mental, spiritual; a miracle beyond triumph and victory (O)(91%)
ALLOW β make available; release; discover (O)(86%)
AMAZING β inspired; create miraculous endeavors (O)(87%)
AMBROSIA β pleasurable healing; extend life (O)(91%)
ANCHOR β attach; self-confident; firmly fasten (O)(86%)
APLOMB β maintain poise, confidence, composure and self-assurance; remain calm in the face of challenges; remain composed and assured, even when confronted with difficult or stressful circumstances; void embarrassing situations; sail through testing times; keep your balance and stay upright; easily navigate the complexities of life; ease on and be your awesome self (O)(94%)
ARISE β bring into being; materialize (O)(90%)
ARROW β stay on target; take a straight path (O)(92%)
AWE β be aware of your singular place in the Universe; be your authentic self, the world is better because you are here (O)(93%)
AVALON β inherent timeless wellness; self-sufficient; allow nature to provide the way; peaceful abundant living; be who you really are (O)(92%)
BALANCE β increase dependability; create stability (O)(90%)
BAMBOO βΒ diversify yourself; grow rapidly (O)(93%)
BEAM β bring sunshine; stop raining; brighten (O)(92%)
BEETHOVEN β be passionately creative; passionate creativity; reach beyond limitations; command respect (O)(92%)
BEGIN β bring into existence (O)(93%)
BENEVOLENT β be liberal; receive generosity; show compassion and understanding; be peacefully accepting (O)(87%)
BINGO β find a right answer; feel excitement (O)(83%)
BLEND β focus on the outcome; recognize combinations that will create beauty; create your favorite; intentionally and smoothly create a life you love; create synergy, harmony and balance in all aspects of life; integrate and align with smooth transitions; embrace dynamic changes to intentionally recreate your health and life; bring it all together, be it ingredients, ideas, people, etc.; synchronize thoughts and emotions to create a new reality (O)(92%)
BLESSED β increase vibrational level; feel peace; feel gratitude and appreciation (O)(87%)
BLUSH β bring warmth into conversation; turn cold into heart-to-heart warmth; touch an audience; enliven a gathering (O)(87%)
BONUS β unexpected abundance; swift unforeseen addition (O)(92%)
BOO β feel ready; be alert and in advance/advantage; turn awkwardness into light fun; all is well (92%)
BOY β youthful exuberance (O)(94%)
BREAKTHROUGH end hesitation; finally grasp the potential of career, education, relationship possibilities; open heart to forgiveness or receiving new nourishing love (O)(87%)
BRICKS β solidify; strengthen; fortify position (O)(90%)
BRUCE LEE β Β be instantly motivated, especially to work out or to engage in a physically difficult task; to increase willpower and endurance; to turn reluctance about exercising into excitement (or someone who represents this qualities to you) (O)(91%)
BUCKET β bring a large amount easily and efficiently; bring things together in abundance; overflowing with ideas; put things together; bring a team and their ideas together (O)(92%)
BUFFER β be discerning; avoid exploitation (O)(85%)
BUZZ β kick it into high gear; accomplish task at hand quickly and efficiently (O)(90%)
CADRE β skillful, devoted teamwork; disciplined coordination; support the team; implement and carry out tasks as planned together (91%)
CALM β at rest; stable; constant (O)(92%)
CATALYST β spark change (O)(91%)
CENTER β reconnect to your core being; get grounded (O)(94%)
CHEERS β give/receive encouragement (O)(93%)
CHISEL β mold to form; sculpture; cut out excesses (such as tumors)(O)(90%)
CHOOSE β empower; release old pains (O)(93%)
CHRYSALIS - open up to the world after having been unnoticed; allow yourself to overcome the pain of trauma of rebirth (change, transformation ) (O)(92%)
CLAP β show appreciation; feel good (O)(92%)
CLOUDS β abundance; miraculous formation of event (O)(92%)
COMB β remove tangles from relationships; get unstuck; find buried details; be meticulous; patiently straighten things out; bring orderly ideas and focuses (O)(91%)
COMPASSION β be accepting; show special kindness; alleviate pain (O)(90%)
CONCERNS β focuses of importance; interested involvement (O)(91%)
CONCERT β perform in unison; mutually agreed; plan together; focused group performance; devise an agreement (O)(92%)
CONDUIT β channel for transferring (information, objects, articles, etc.) into a new realm or space (O)(94%)
CONGRATULATIONS β feel accomplished; increase self-esteem (O)(93%)
CONTAIN--- β arrest current condition immediately; stop sequence (pause briefly after saying CONTAIN when saying it in a Switchphrase, and add three hyphens [---] after CONTAIN to represent a pause when creating Switchphrases, allowing sequence of events to stop)(O)(91%)
CORONA β connect to Source within; fill with light energy; attach to life energy (O)(91%)
COSMIC β beyond measure; ordered complexity (O)(92%)
COZY β create comfort (O)(91%)
CRACKERJACKβ exceptionally good performance; great skill or cleverness; seemingly magical transformation; "I AM happy with what I've completed" (O)(91%)
CREAM β to get along well together in a group; to create bonds (O)(90%)
CREATE β cause; transform thought to action (O)(91%)
CRESCENDO β gradually increase (O)(92%)
CRUX β get quickly to root of the matter; find central/supporting features (O)(91%)
DAISY β create excellence; brighten the day (O)(93%)
DANCE β feel joy (O)(87%)
DARLING β be warm and accepting; bring a smile; soften the heart (O)(92%)
DASH β take pause; refine details (O)(88%)
DAWN β a new beginning; bring new ideas; bring new hope; make known; answers become obvious; an auspicious time (O) (92%)
DAZZLE β give astonishing results; show brilliance (O)(87%)
DEACTIVATION β made inactive; pacified; dismissed (93%)
DECLARE β begin the creation process; create possibilities (O)(93%)
DEEP β submerge within; give focused attention (O)(85%)
DELETE β get rid of an unwanted emotion, thought, belief, or habit (O)(92%)
DELICIOUS β awaken appreciation for the present moment (O)(93%)
DELIVER β empower (O)(90%)
DETACH β withdraw; disassociate; remove (O)(90%)
DIMINISH β reduce; be reasonable; be gentle (O)(90%)
DIPOLE β create a neutral zone; balance negative with positive (O)(93%)
DISTILL β concentrate and purify; extract essential elements (O)(94%)
DITTO β create an aligned agreement; bring multiple parties to the same focus (O)(90%)
DROP β let go now (O)(92%)
DYNAMIC β refresh; revitalize; update energy (O)(92%)
EASE β simplify the task at hand; unleash yourself; calm down (O)(84%)
ELEGANT β to stand out while still fitting in; to be noticed; to make a good first impression (O)(91%)
EMBRACE β give/receive complete acceptance (O)(91%)
EMERALD β domestic harmony and bliss; understand your own feelings and others; improve tolerance (O)(92%)
ENABLE β provide the means; become empowered (O)(90%)
ENCHANTED β give/get captivated attention (O)(85%)
END β stop thinking about; close; forget (O)(89%)
ENDORSEMENT β seal of approval; authorization; a step ahead; move forward; validation; acceptance (O)(94%)
ENGAGE β occupy possibilities; fill a space; hold attention (O)(91%)
ENHANCE β unfurl; open (yourself) and choose to be seen (O)(87%)
ENROLL β gather support by sharing your vision; gain detail by sharing (O)(93%)
ENVELOPE β to make secure; to make priority (O)(92%)
EVAPORATE β transform; mingle with your environment (O)(87%)
EVER β maintain continuity; keep things going (O)(92%)
EVOKE β bring forth (O)(90%)
EVOLVE β shift with the times; naturally adjust to change; turn over a new leaf; begin anew; ever becoming; reinvent yourself (O)(92%)
EXCITED β increase awareness; increase vital signs (heart rate, breathing, etc.)(O)(92%)
EXTINCT β terminated; ended; no longer exists (O)(83%)
FATHOM β develop deeper comprehension; grasp on multiple levels (O)(93%)
FAVORITE β uniquely special; give/get admiration (O)(91%)
FIFTY FIVE (55) β show the way; lead to the light; whole-brain thinking; quantum spirituality; universal mediator; mental telepathy; clairvoyance; ultimate freedom; ultimate oneness; integral consciousness (O)(91%)
FILTER β restrict available information to (focus); focus on smaller details (O)(84%)
FINALLY β end delays; bring to an end; complete connections (O)(93%)
FINE β soothe fears and calm nerves, especially about a specific thing; protect and help ensure safety; help bring a matter to conclusion smoothly (works especially good as the Switchpair BE-FINE) (O)(92%)
FLAME β extend; radiate warmth and light (O)(90%)
FLASH β be prompt; lunge ahead (O)(90%)
FLINT β find connections needed to make a difference; catalyst for renewal; discover new ways; the answer is inside you; discover the gifts hidden in apparently negative situations; keep a confident and positive perspective on the future; notice synchronicities to get clarity; remove unwanted extras (O)(92%)
FLOCK β work in unison; lend your strength to others; gain strength from others (92%)
FLOW β let go of the details; release need to maintain a routine; break a habit (O)(92%)
FLOWER β flourish; thrive; open up to the world; share your Inner Beauty (O)(93%)
FORTY NINE (49) β be an ethical leader; have integrity in your pursuits; be fair with others (O)(93%)
FREEDOM β release ties to guilt-driven action; release need to conform; let go of constrictions (O)(92%)
GALORE β varied choices; great amounts available; unending stream of experiences (O)(92%)
GATHER β come together (O)(92%)
GENIUS β raise expectations; merge with information beyond human comprehension (O)(92%)
GERMINATE- begin the creative process; activate potential; nurture new ventures or relationships; encourage new growth and development; experience the miracle of life; create new life (O)(91%)
GET β develop an understanding; attain (O)(93%)
GLEAN β gather remaining details; learn intricacies; gain through sharing surpluses (O)(93%)
GOLD β an enduring reward; shine under pressure; incorruptible (O)(93%)
GONE β removed; dissolved; withdrawn (O)(92%)
GRACE β smooth the rough spots; be merciful (O)(91%)
GRASS β be versatile; make yourself useful (O)(93%)
GRIT β hold fast to commitments; build ambition, passion resilience and tenacity; persevere; connect to your inner strength; weather the storm; overcome obstacles and achieve; maintain focus on the end goal (O) (93%)
GUESS β stop procrastinating/analyzing/waiting, do it (O)(89%)
GUIDE β follow inner guidance; allow oneself to know the way (O)(88%)
GuidingSTAR β connect with a higher wisdom; choose enlightening leadership (O)(90%)
HAVEN β create a safe zone; open opportunities (O)(91%)
HEART β center in joy; connect to your soul (O)(90%)
HERO β inspire inspiration; inspire aspiration (O)(92%)
HIDE β block or dim view; put into the shade (O)(91%)
HIGHEST POTENTIAL βΒ place focus on positive aspects (O)(93%)
HIGHLIGHT β draw attention to; direct focus at (O)(92%)
HIPPOCRATES βΒ heal with integrity; attune to the healing power of nature; be well-kempt, honest, calm, understanding, and serious; pay close attention to detail and take detailed notes; pay attention to diet and lifestyle (O)(92%)
HOLIDAY β enjoy yourself; step out of routine; stop the monotony (O)(90%)
HUG β feel warm appreciation; connect with another (O)(93%)
ICE CUBE β cool down; numb pain (O)(91%)
IMAGINE β recreate life circumstances; ether becomes malleable, available to craft; orchestration of manifestation; feel it; it exists, is already here
IMMUNITY β protected from accident or harm; maintain wellness (O)(92%)
INDEED β emphatic agreement (O)(88%)
INHERITANCE β gain external enhancement (O)(91%)
INK β add permanency (O)(92%)
INNOCENCE β create, build faith and trust (O)(93%)
INTEGER β whole; without attachments (O)(92%)
INTEGRATE β assimilate; embrace; bond with (O)(93%)
INTEND β give a focus for attention; create a plan (O)(86%)
INVEST β show devotion (O)(92%)
INVICTUSβ overcome adversity; unbeatable; indomitable; invincible; brave, courageous and strong; victorious; strengthen the mind; overcome battles, internal and external; master your fate (O) (92%)
JACKPOT β feel successful; feel excitement (O)(90%)
JASMINE β clear confusion; be in the now; release the past (O)(90%)
JESUS β create healing focuses; be a comforting presence (or use someone you know who creates healing focuses, is a comforting presence)(O)(91%)
JEWEL β shine brightly; feel magnificent; raise your vibration (O)(86%)
JOG β release restlessness; change focus (O)(93%)
JOHN β feel calm and comforted; feel safe (O)(90%)
JOLLY β create enjoyment (O)(90%)
JOY β give and receive joy; increase bliss (O)(82%)
KEEP β be safe; feel cherished (O)(91%)
KEY β get authoritative access; gain acceptance (O)(93%)
KING/QUEEN β Β center of attention; increase self-aware confidence; calm control over social gatherings (O)(91%)
LAMINATE β allow protected access; maintain integrity (O)(92%)
LAUGH β boost the immune system; connect to youth and longevity; feel good (O)(77%)
LAVENDER β let go of anxiety; relax into sleep (92%)
LEISURE β make accommodations; agreeable time (O)(92%)
LEONARDO da VINCI β be ingeniously creative; master creativity (or use someone you know who is creative)(O)(91%)
LIGHTNING β be bold; brighten your domain; move swiftly and with purpose (O)(94%)
LOTUS - bring a new beginning; overcome hard times; prosperity; rise beyond suffering; bring beauty, purity and/or fertility; start good habits (O)(87%)
MAGIC β enchant; thrill; excite (O)(91%)
MAGIC CARPET β dispel feeling overwhelmed, trapped, unable to cope with earthly issues; experience new horizons; witness the world from a detached, higher perspective; safely and easily navigate life experiences, bypassing negative emotional attachments; all that is desired may be achieved by first visualizing it (O)(91%)
MAGNATE β attract money and financial success and wealth; increase your influence and impact; develop your leadership skills and become a more effective leader; enhance your business acumen and achieve greater success; attract more opportunities for growth and advancement in your career; be decisive; be a forward-thinking visionary(O)(93%)
MAHATMA GANDHI β allow for peaceful resolution (or use someone you know who allows for peaceful resolution)(O)(93%)
MAINTAIN β take on responsibility for (O)(93%)
MARVEL β create a unique perspective (O)(89%)
MASCOT β unite a team in spirit, purpose, enthusiasm and focus; team leader representing the whole; center of focus for team luck (O)(93%)
MENTOS β increase sweetness and creativity; sweet simplicity; use humor to lighten social pressures (O)(91%)
MIRACLE β transcend beyond expectations (O)(91%)
MIRTH β allow the healing, enlivening effects of laughter to bubble up (93%)
MISSION β create a focus of importance; make goals possible; dedicated focus; take purposeful steps toward the goal; find a calling; passionate pursuits (91%)
MIX β bond with (O)(90%)
MUSE β inspired creative beautiful artistry, especially in literature, music or dance; excel in creative expression; be inspired to do your best; receive help and/or information for current focus (O)(93%)
MUSIC β flow in harmony; vibrate with deep emotional cleansing; align with those around you while maintaining your uniqueness (O)(92%)
NAMASTE β give respect from the heart (O)(93%)
NEW β form innovation (O)(90%)
NICE β create acceptance (O)(91%)
NOURISH β to preserve; to develop (O)(93%)
NUTSHELL β be precise and concise (O)(92%)
OAK β strengthen ties to Earth and nature; be grounded; hold strong (O)(93%)
OCCUR β bring to mind; create a presence (O)(91%)
ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) β complete alignment (O)(91%)
1-2-3-4 - start taking action; step forward and begin; overcome inertia; move from thought to action to achievement; set the rhythm for your own life (O) (91%)
OWL β see new perspectives; notice subtle differences (O)(92%)
PAINT β create a significant modification (O) (93%)
PARADISE β anything is possible; end hopeless; bring new hope, expectation, reparation and restoration (O)(92%)
PASSION β create a deep focus (O)(93%)
PEACE β quell panic; reclaim stability; cease hostilities (O)(90%)
PEARL β produce rare value (O)(91%)Β
PERFECT β feel satisfied (O)(84%)
PerkUP β get energized; feel refreshed; feel confident and cheerful; draw positive attention; enliven; dress smartly (O) (91%)
PILOT β take responsibility for leading the way; open new pathways; safely navigate around or through obstructions (O)(92%)
PIVOT β change view; redirect; revise your position/attitude (O)(90%)
PIZZAZZ β energized, lively and enthusiastic; spark creativity; unique innovative flair; charismatic; attract positive attention; self-assured, confident and bold; step out of your comfort zone; create moments of happiness; draw attention and charm others (O)(90%)
PLATO β dazzling writer; quickness of mind; learn to read between the lines; connect to higher learning; habituate to healthy emotional responses; look within to know the unteachable; see the real nature of things; improve mathematical and scientific endeavors; understand the wisdom behind virtue; elegantly convey your philosophies (O)(91%)
PLAY β improvise; expand consciousness and discovery; build connections (O)(90%)
PLENTY β feel abundant; open to sharing (O)(91%)
PLETHORA β overflowing; more than expected; joyful abundance (O)(87%)
POLISH β to put the final touches on a project; to make things clear; to feel sophisticated and elegant (O)(93%)
POOL β share resources; be accommodating of others; share togetherness; share intelligence (O)(93%)
PRACTICE β improve/perfect a skill (O)(87%)Β
PRECIOUS β respected; valuable; honored and appreciated (O)(93%)
PRESERVE β delay (O)(91%)
PROUD β feel increased self-worth; show improved image (O)(93%)
PRUDENCE β enhance judgment and decision-making skills; promote financial wisdom; improve risk assessment; encourage personal growth; maintain caution; be meticulous; be wise; be shrewd and perceptive; improve comprehension and planning (O)(91%)
PURGE β dismiss; expel (O)(93%)
PURIFY β to harmonize energies; cleanse your aura, space or relationships (O)(92%)
PURR β feel/inspire relaxed contentment (O)(92%)
PURSUE β set focus intently upon (should have a target following it: PURSUE-LOVE; PURSUE-TRUST)(O)(92%)
QUEEN/KING β Β center of attention; increase self-aware confidence; calm control over social gatherings (O)(91%)
QUENCH β find relief; become satiated (O)(92%)
QUEST β make new discoveries (O)(94%)
RAINBOW β fulfill promises; create a colorful conscious life; dreams beckon reality (O)(85%)
REASSESS β stop focusing or dwelling on something negative (works very well in the Switchphrase REASSESS-HIGHEST POTENTIAL) (O)(91%)
REFINE β upgrade; add more detail (94%)
REFLECT β look within the details; gain advantage (O)(90%)
REFRESH β incorporate new information/things; gain a new perspective (O)(92%)
RELAY β to move forward; progress (O)(90%)
RELEASE β stop trying to control (O)(82%)
RELISH β happily content; enticing; instantly gratifying; absolutely pleasurable; release homesickness (O)(91%)
REMISSION β release and forget the ills of the past; look to the future with positive expectations (O)(91%)
RENDEZVOUS β connections that create for the greater good; meeting of the minds to mutual benefit; equitable combining and distribution of resources, time, expertise (O)(92%)
RESOLVE β make the decision and stand inside it; hold true to your word (O)(91%)
REVEAL β see; visualize; understand; bring into focus (O)(93%)
REVIVE β great sense of being back to the original form, mind set; a memory or regaining consciousness; a sense of joy; feeling new all over again (O)(91%)
REVOKE β reverse the effects and/or consequences on you of a decision you have previously made (O)(84%)
RHYTHM β keep pace; keep moving; increase efficiency (O)(93%)
RIVET β to attach; hold onto (O)(91%)
ROGER β receive and accept clarity (O)(91%)
ROLL β being in the flow; joyous knowing; release anxiety; release fear of unknown; release fear of existence; end stagnation; move forward, releasing unwanted attachments; smoothly adjust with changes (90%)
RUSH β overcome obstacles; move quickly toward a goal (O)(87%)
SANDPAPER β smooth things over; remove imperfections (O)(83%)
SATYA β to perceive or manifest the truth (O)(92%)
SAUCHA β evoke a sense of purity, cleanliness and clarity; evoke a sense of inner purification, promoting mental clarity; foster a sense of balance and well-being; purify your thoughts and habits; purity in mind, speech and body; release anger and calm emotions; bring mental, emotional, and physical purity, promoting overall well-being (O)(93%)
SCHUBERT β be prolific in your creativity; create comforting and uplifting supply (O)(90%)
SECOND WIND β to feel reenergized; to regain interest; to bring back feelings of 'ready to go' (O)(90%)
SENSE β internalize information; recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations (O)(92%)
SERENE β feel relaxed; release worries (O)(91%)
SEVENTY THREE (73) β connect to Ketu, the Divine and Jupiter, which in turn opens up extraordinary mental and psychic powers (O)(92%)
SHAKE β release stress; let go of unwanted energies; release negativity (O)(93%)
SHAKESPEARE β take command over language; master presentation and grandeur; understand the pulse of people; step forward and make it happen; be unique, captivating and hold an audience spellbound (O)(91%)
SHANTI β return to homeostasis; restore inner peace and contentment; let go of discord and stress (O)(94%)
SHARP β incisive; alert; ready (O)(88%)
SHAZAM β excited to complete the task at hand; I can, I will and I just did; surge forward; be energized, focused and take action (O)
Β SHEBANG β get everyone to stop and take notice; jaw dropping; everything including all connected (O)(84%)
SHED β cast off; release and let fall naturally away; allow for natural protection (O)(92%)
SHERLOCK HOLMES β solve mysteries (or use someone who represents solving mysteries to you)(O)(93%)
SHINE β clear negativity and raise energy; excel; attract special attention (O)(91%)
SHIP β internalize; put within (O)(92%)
SHOE LACE β maintain protection; retain buffer (O)(91%)
SHOULDER β assume a task; simplify a complexity (O)(91%)
SHUFFLE β realign; rethink; make significant modifications (O)(93%)
SIMPLE β gain perspective on a difficult task (O)(92%)
SING β vibrate with emotion; feel words (heard, said, sung or thought)(O)(92%)
SKY β open closed viewpoints; let go of limitations (O)(93%)
SLEUTH β find clues; solve mysteries (O)(94%)
SMITH β craft your life or personal growth; focus on creating or building something new; forge ahead; enhance craftsmanship; draw on inner strength and resilience with resolute focus; fuse elements together masterfully and eloquently (O) (92%)
SMORGASBORD β celebrate variety; create multiple possibilities (O)(92%)
SNAP β change focus immediately; take immediate action; give focused attention (O)(92%)
SNEEZE β reject; expel; scatter (O)(90%)
SOAR β feel elation (O)(90%)
SOCRATES β ask enlightening questions; look deeply into the focus (or use someone you know who asks enlightening questions, looks deeply into focuses)(O)(93%)
SOIL β create a fertile foundation; govern resources; merge diverse and contrasting systems together (O)(90%)
SOMEHOW β release the details and let it be (O)(93%)
SOW β take purposeful, mindful actions today for tomorrow's manifestations; improve the world around you; take action to benefit future generations; open possibilities for new growth (O) (92%)
SPARK - promote transformation; catalyst for change (O)(92%)
SPARKLE β breathe instant life into a dwindling position; reflect light (O)(93%)
SPEED β bring about good fortune; bring about abundance; bring about prosperity (O)(92%)
SPRINGBOARD β catapult yourself to new heights; reach for the sky; elevate yourself - body, mind, spirit and emotions; reach goals and aspirations; jump into joy; experience uplifting feelings; allow yourself to fly; launch into new realms; take a leap of faith; have childlike spirit and enthusiasm (O) (92%)
SQUARE β perfect, neat, clean, tidy and up-to-date; punctual; disciplined management of daily routine (O)(92%)
STAR β be a guiding light; show brilliance (O)(90%)
STAY β maintain status quo; be still; remain undisturbed (O)(87%)
STEADY- maintain balance; move with ease; increase endurance (O)(85%)
STILL β pay close attention; focus intently (O)(90%)
STRUCTUREβ strengthen a foundation; secure connections; form systems of support (O)(93%)
SUBLIME β create greatness beyond possibility (O)(83%)
SUDDENLY β bring immediate shift; rapid modification (O)(90%)
SUNRISE β dispel darkness; glow with warmth and light; new, burgeoning growth and development (O)(93%)
SUPREME β connect to the highest light and beauty within yourself; release negative connotations; allow yourself to let go of negative thoughts (O)(93%)
SURGE β to push suddenly ahead; to break through obstacles (O)(92%)
SURPRISE β feel elated; trust the unknown to be defined; take joy in discovery (O)(89%)
SURRENDER β accept; relinquish need to control (O)(89%)
SWARM β drive a multitude (O)(90%)
TAILWIND β effortlessly move forward with ease and speed; propelled by unseen or external forces that assist in achieving goals or overcoming challenges; let go of resistance and allow the natural flow of events to carry you toward a resolution or peace; allow external factors to aid in smoothing over conflicts or difficulties; arrive at your destination early; resilience against adversity; push toward new horizons, new thinking and new routes (O) (92%)
TARMAC β create foundational stability in aspects of your life; be precise; create a solid base; reach for the stars; allow for smooth landings; prepare to experience new horizons; get grounded; follow proper guidance; prepare for adventure; prepare for manifestation (O)(93%)
TENDER β negotiate successfully (O)(90%)
TESLA β gather energy (O)(94%)
THOMAS EDISON β be inventive; create new ideas (or use someone you know who is inventive)(O)(92%)
TONY ROBBINS β for energetic public speaking; for drawing a crowd; for healing others emotionally (O)(90%)
TOO β be included; go to the extreme (O)(86%)
TOUCH β in the present moment; gather serenity and strength; create supportive impact (O)(91%)
TRANSFORM β improve; advance (O)(94%)
TREASURE β maintain; make important (O)(92%)
TRICKLE β to share; to give; to be attentive to (O)(92%)
TRIUMPH β a great victory or achievement; be victorious (O)(91%)
TRUMP β take it all; be on top; outwit opponents (O)(91%)
TRUST β align physical, emotional and spiritual energies; balance chakras (O)(93%)
TWENTY EIGHT (28) β speak out assertively without fearing rejection from others (O)(92%)
TWENTY SEVEN (27) β bring compassion and kindness; intellectual connection; bring cooperation and teamwork; diplomacy (O)(92%)
TWENTY THREE (23) β align with current time and space; focus on love, marriage, procreation and/or progeny (O)(91%)
UBUNTU β connect to humanity with kindness; restore humane human connections; build solidarity; see and feel the good of humanity (O)(91%)
UNPLUG β release attachments; think outside the box; release limitations (O)(92%)
UNTHREAD β disentangle emotions, beliefs, and/or thoughts that have become "stuck together" or are difficult to sort through (O)(87%)
UPLOAD β transfer important information; make remote connections; share knowledge and information; expand human knowledge and understanding; expand consciousness; expand and preserve humanity's healing capacity (O)(92%)
URANIUM β abundant concentrated energy; self-sustaining; longevity (O)(92%)
US β unify (O)(94%)
VENERATE β give admiration; iconic adulation; hold in high regard; cherish; powerful inspiration (91%)
VIBRANT β be a strong presence (O)(94%)
VICTORY β overcome; achieve (O)(90%)
VISA β liberate travel; authoritative unrestricted movement; widen your horizons and expand opportunities; explore your dreams; simplify access (O) (93%)
VOID β cancel a negative flow; open space (O)(91%)
VOILΓ β magically appear; it's ready now; take the edge away; feel relief; impossible achieved; this is it; joyful surprise; wonderful accomplishment; finally understood (O)(91%)
WALL β protect from outside influences; increase security (O)(93% )
WATCHMAN β increase security; feel safe (O)(93%)
WAVE β unstoppable invention, restoration, invigoration; turn over a new leaf; embark on/continue the optimal journey (O)(93%)
WHEELS β simplify movement; increase load capacity (O)(91%)
WHIMSICAL β make unusual; make spectacular; be innovative (O)(86%)
WHISK β open up space; aerate; incorporate air (O)(91%)
WHISPER β be quiet; pay close attention to what you are hearing (O)(91%)
WILLOW β be flexible; be kind (O)(87%)
WIND β access your unseen power; sweep things away (O)(92%)
WINDFALL β sudden abundance; sudden increase (O)(93%)
WINDMILL β harness unseen forces (O)(92%)
WINGS β rise above the pressure; move freely and unencumbered (O)(92%)
WOLF β increase stamina; make confident decisions; friendly social dominance (O)(93%)
YES! β stop hesitating and just do it; get on with it; get energized (O)(91%)
ZEOLITE β cleanse with light (O)(92%)
ZERO/XERO β gone; dissipated; dried up (O)(92%)
ZOOM β move freely, clearing obstacles; increase; put focus on (O)(91%)