Healing Crisis Switchphrases

What is a Healing Crisis?
To me, a Healing Crisis is something that happens when a lot of healing is done in a short period of time and the clean-up and the waste removal from poisons and toxins released from the body and mind is unable to keep up with the release, causing sometimes a worsening of symptoms before improvement.

Many healing techniques do not have tools for handling a Healing Crisis and simply expect a person to "ride it out" knowing they will come out on the other side in much better shape.

I personally do not agree with that. Sometimes a Healing Crisis can be dangerous, if too much is released at one time. It is wise to pay attention and work with the body, allowing it to work at its own pace, and not overwhelm it.

Some symptoms of a Healing Crisis may include: A panicky feeling; increased pain; anxiety; fatigue; lethargy; a surreal feeling. Symptoms may vary from one person to another, and may last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours to days or for some even months.

How do you avoid a Healing Crisis?
One big thing is to have the body prepared for the healing, by increasing the efficiency of the waste systems of the body before you begin to work on healing.

The two main waste systems in the body are the Lymphatic System and the Urinary System.

Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System parallels the Circulatory System, but runs purely on water and muscle movement to propel it along its way. The Lymphatic System picks up waste from body cells. It is impaired when tight clothing is worn and by lack of movement. Exercise and movement substantially help the lymphatic system with its job. Water is essential for the Lymphatic System to work properly. Drink plenty of water and move around to help work the Lymphatic System.

Urinary System
The Urinary System collects and excretes waste from the body. Water is the greatest key to allowing the Urinary System to remove poisons and toxins from the body. "The solution to pollution is dilution." If you are not drinking enough water, the Urinary System may be hampered in its ability to remove poisons, toxins and waste from the body.

Having a person well hydrated before beginning to deal with healing may be a big key to avoiding a Healing Crisis.

Another key to getting the body ready to deal with healing is making sure it is getting plenty of protein, and not being overrun with sugar, processed carbs and grains. It may be wise to check up on a person's diet and make sure they are eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins, and not eating a lot of fast food, prepackaged foods, sugars and grains for at least a week or two before starting into deep healing.

I also check with the body's computer system to see if it is running at capacity before I begin to work on someone, and throughout healing sessions, to avoid overloading them.

One way you too can do this is simply to use Reflex Muscle Testing and ask the body each time you complete a technique if it is okay to continue. A weak muscle when you ask, "Can I continue to work with this body?" means it is time to stop now. Ask the body to save the work and when would be a good time to continue.

Another tell-tale sign that the body is at or beyond capacity is when Reflex Muscle Testing gives the same result for Yes and No. Most often I will see weakness on both if the body is full, but sometimes you will get strong on both. If you ever get an unexpected answer on Reflex Muscle Testing, check two questions with known answers, one yes and one no, to verify if the body is going beyond capacity. If it is getting overfilled, you will get an incorrect answer on one of them. If this happens, ask the body to save the work and stop immediately.

Switchphrases to Help Alleviate a Healing Crisis

DIVINE LIGHT-FLOW may be helpful for brightly focusing positivity and stepping out of routine, allowing flow. When one deals with illness and disease, generally it relates to negative emotions and ways of being, one must allow oneself to flow in another direction to release the illness or disease.

OPEN-GO-BE may be useful for releasing and allowing things to progress and return to health and peace.

CRYSTAL-ALONE-BE may be useful for connecting to the healing path and opening to healing.

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.